Sunday, June 16, 2013

Difference between Eastern and Western Wives

Eastern Wife:
Wife:             Honey I think you should work now!
Husband:       But Dear, my disability does not allow me to work.

Wife:             Honey, It is very hard to survive without second income!
Husband:       Dear, I feel very bad about it that I can not support you! I wish I die, so that you could at least
                     claim my Life Insurance money!

Wife:             For God sake, never mention again. I can live without money but not without you.

Western Wife:

Wife:             Honey I think you should work now!
Husband:       But Dear, my disability does not allow me to work.

Wife:             Honey, It is very hard to survive without second income!
Husband:       Dear, I feel very bad about it that I can not support you! I wish I die, so that you could at least
                     claim my Life Insurance money!

Wife:             Oh dear! What took you so long to think about it! I knew I am the luckiest wife who got
                     so caring husband like you.            

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Brand Name at cost of Poor Workers in Bangladesh

Bangladesh: The Human Cost Of Cheap Fashion (via Lipstick & Politics)

What is the true, human cost of our cheap clothing?   Last week an eight storey garment factory collapsed in Bangladesh killing nearly 400 people, most of them young women.  Intense retail competition and demand for ever-cheaper clothing in wealthy nations have fueled the economy of this extremely…

Airport Patdown procedures by TSA Agents in USA

A Canadian woman’s latest video of herself encountering the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) patdown procedures shows a female agent’s hand moving through her groin area, illustrating what she describes as a common violation of passenger privacy.

In that video I did not find anything objectionable that may violate once privacy of body parts. As far as important body point where one can hide anything  harmful are under the arms pit area, any bulging parts like breast area, in the underwear, socks, bottom of pants, shoes etc. TSA agents were courteous and co-operative in their action. Moreover it was in public, so chances of any abuse are slim. They are well trained and most of their touching of body parts were with proper style of hands posture and pressure.

It is unfortunate that circumstances have pushed airport authorities to search every one to such an extent, but it is not there fault. Moreover it is for the security of passengers on board and on the airport restricted area. If one imagines the benefit verses privacy, benefits are far more important than the privacy in this context.

But most suicidal criminals, if or whenever they decide or pushed to carry on a plot of such nature, those are the body parts, which they will use to hide explosives in exact same areas and it would be a heaven for them if TSA agency does not check those private body parts of passengers or not allowed to check those body parts.

Both genders are used by terrorists and thorough security search of both is very crucial.
On other hand passengers have valid concern of privacy but unfortunately in wake of such circumstances it is reasonable for authorities to take such precautionary measures and advisable to passengers to voluntarily allow such searches for their own safety and others safety until the security concerns settle down to normal in near future.

Both sides are right! Nobody is wrong!
Unfortunately the cunning satin is taking its toll on ordinary people's privacy and freedom.

Those who are overly concerned about their privacy and could not convince themselves! I would suggest to them to remind yourself of those moments when you have to go for medical examinations for your health reasons to a doctor and doctor have to check your private body parts for any signs of caner, skin decease, prostate etc; or when a mother is in labor and doctors have to deliver a baby; or doctors have to operate on you to cure from disease or organ failure.

Doctors scan and examine us for our well being. In same way, TSA agents scan and examine passengers bodies for any violation of security of passengers.

If someone feels embarrassing for such scanning in public, there should a choice for them to be scanned or checked in private under proper surveillance cameras and any other measure which can restore passenger's confidence that nobody would be take any unnecessary advantage of their body under the wake of security check.

Anti-TSA activist during agent’s patdown: ‘She just touched my vagina’ (via Raw Story )

A Canadian woman’s latest video of herself encountering the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) patdown procedures shows a female agent’s hand moving through her groin area, illustrating what she describes as a common violation of passenger privacy. “This happens pretty frequently…

Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner.........

The natural instinct of a human being are  reactive and sometimes over reactive.
Keeping oneself unaffected, unaltered and unconcerned from others behavior is next to impossible for 
an ordinary human being.

I am pretty sure under certain circumstances Mr Lama must have found it hard to believe it by himself.
One may not react to others behavior, but completely ignoring or forgetting it is very hard.

And if one can't ignore or forget, then that certainly make one to think about it-sooner or later!

Yet only exceptional may have the power to prove it right.

And Honorable Mr. Dalai Lama is an exceptional personality and I am certain he can prove me wrong!

But if an human being can reach that state of mind...there is nothing like it....

Even  if we can get a fraction of it, that could make us a cool personality.. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Rights of Women in Islam!

By Er. Satnam Singh Sidhu BC

God  loves everyone. God gave equal rights to all genders. The rigidity and inflexibility of any religion is harmful to human beings. Guru Nanak said, " Why to put down  women who gave birth to us and even the mightiest of the world like kings, Napoleon, Alexandra, Prophets so on. I am pretty sure Islam must have same rights for women as well. I have not got a chance to read it yet. For sure interpretation of religion is wrong by the preachers and that need to be revised and corrected. It is unfortunate that every religion have those fanatics who want to create controversies and discrimination against human beings through race, religion, color, gender and any other way they could think of to make things difficult for people to belief and practice. Guru Arjan Dev ji and Guru Tej Bahadur ji in 16th and 17th century have to bear unrelenting torture by Muslim emperors in Lahore and Delhi respectively. Those rulers tortured them to the end to force them to join Islam or show your Prophet Power and Miracles. It was refused by Gurus not that they did not respect Islam but because they said," Everyone have right to pray to God what ever way they want. Everyone is free to pray to God including women. Two younger sons of Guru Gobind Singh ji were arrested by Muslim emperor and were lured, threatened and tortured to death in Sirhind, Punjab. They both refused to join Islam.  Islam is a beautiful religion and big part of world follow the Islam. But intimidation and violence are never the ingredients of any religion and it never would be. It was proven to arrogant Muslim fundamentalists by  ten Sikh Gurus and Sikhs through their love, peace, perseverance and faith in One God to whom we all belong including women, men, gays, lesbians and atheists. Sikhs respect Islam and love Muslims and all other religions in same manner as a Sikh love a Sikh. All religions are great and respectable and people who follow any religion are equally respectful. That is why one of Sikh of Guru Nanak was a Muslim and most beloved companion to Guru; Guru Arjan Dev ji, Fifth Guru, gave the honor of inauguration of Sri Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple_ a place of worship open to all mankind of all religions, atheists including all genders) in Amritsar, Punjab to a Muslim saint Sai Mia Mir; Tenth Guru Gobind Singh had so many Sikhs who were Muslim and always remained Muslim, but those Muslims had great attachment and love for Guru Gobind Singh ji and they fought against the tyranny of fundamentalist Muslim rulers and the army to maintain justice and harmony in this world. They remained true to their own religion and to Guru Gobind Singh. One of city in Punjab named Malerkotla as of today is still a home of Muslims in majority. Please  visit the site to learn the history and Muslims will feel proud of it. Being a religious does not mean putting down other faiths albeit being a religious means cooperate with other religious people of same and different religious faiths. Sikh Gurus did not start a new religion, they taught the fundamentalist religious fanatic people to be respectful of each other and build a society of love and peace and not of hate and violence. It is time to recognize those fanatics in every religion and fight against them because they are leading parts in every religion and creating lots of unrest and hatred in this world. At present time Muslims had been portrayed as terrorists by some countries, who portray themselves as the ambassador of peace, and doing the same damage to Muslim community all over the world, must stop doing so. Both communities's evil fanatics are damaging our beautiful world. It is up to us to recognize those fanatics and condemn them and discard them from our religions. Whether it is Osama Bin Laden and his associates or it is Bush and his associates. Women and earth are both our mothers and both need protection from evils. Join together and kill the evil before it kills us. Kill the evil inside every human being to make him humble and peace preserver and never kill the human being. No human is evil, it is ones negative thinking that is evil.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bride and Broom

Two brooms are getting married. Before the ceremony, the bride broom says to the groom broom, "I think I'm going to have a whisk."

The groom broom says, "How can that be possible? We haven't even swept together!"