Showing posts with label inner-peace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inner-peace. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2014

All of us are competitive in nature in good and bad ways! Which one you likes?

The-Destiny-of-Poor! Destiny-of-Woman! Destiny-of-People!

All of us are competitive in nature in good and bad ways! Which one you likes?

Competition is one of the healthiest trait in human beings to succeed which prevent us from becoming unemployed and beggar which no one likes. 

But keep in mind that sometimes our sense of competition make us drag the deserving person behind us and that is not healthy because it is the other side of ugly face of competition that induce greed, jealousy, frustration, anger, hatred in ourselves to hurt others on one hand and induce negative energy in our body like eddy current in conductors to make us further slow and sick.

So compete with best of your energy by focusing on destination and not the competitor. You may be slower than some but you never know it because you never acknowledged them except your target.

A little funny joke: Since tortoise never looked at his competitor and competed with best of its energy! Tortoise was the winner and not its competitor which is more than 100 x faster than it.

Monday, February 17, 2014

All religions are darn....

We all know all religions are darn confusing and complex to follow with no guarantee to results.

Yet we follow!

Is it TRUE or FALSE?

If it is FALSE! Please lead me. I will follow you?

If it is TRUE! Let's talk about it. We can share the confusion and complexity to resolve to best of our knowledge. Sharing thoughts, ideas give us New tools to learn the Art of imagination to build a new concept of religion with open mind and without any reservation.

Lets try to understand to make at least some sense to clear the confusion.
If the above said complexity and confusion bothers you but a slight effort to resolve it make you more confused than before and makes you vulnerable to direct and indirect criticism from parents, peers, friends, community then:

  • Lets share what is right and wrong in your and mine opinion and find a escape route to criticism from near and dear.
  • Lets share solutions that please our near and dears and also what make you happy.
  • Practicing something that is uncomfortable or does not make sense and yet we have to follow to please parents and community leads to hypocrisy and tarnish self image and decision making.

Some revolt and some gave in. 

  1. REVOLT  upsets parents, community
  2. GAVE-IN upsets us
  3. REVOLT give us guilty feeling and GAVE-IN give us stress and close mindedness
  4. Which is loose-loose situation.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner.........

The natural instinct of a human being are  reactive and sometimes over reactive.
Keeping oneself unaffected, unaltered and unconcerned from others behavior is next to impossible for 
an ordinary human being.

I am pretty sure under certain circumstances Mr Lama must have found it hard to believe it by himself.
One may not react to others behavior, but completely ignoring or forgetting it is very hard.

And if one can't ignore or forget, then that certainly make one to think about it-sooner or later!

Yet only exceptional may have the power to prove it right.

And Honorable Mr. Dalai Lama is an exceptional personality and I am certain he can prove me wrong!

But if an human being can reach that state of mind...there is nothing like it....

Even  if we can get a fraction of it, that could make us a cool personality..