Showing posts with label Destiny-of-poor-workers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Destiny-of-poor-workers. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Destiny of poor

There are two types of poor: finance wise and destiny wise.  Financially poor are known to everyone. Destiny poor are not that predictable as financial poor.

Destiny has three variables which must coincide for either good or bad. The time,  the position and the circumstance. The most important is the subject. In this case I am talking about human being.  Human being as a son, daughter,  mother, father, siblings. Destiny is used for day to day human being conditions. In some cases it is possible to use destiny when we see some one with chronic disease condition which makes human being desperate, miserable and helpless in hand of destiny. The other state of human being being miserable, desperate, helpless and unbearable is when human being lose his/her loved one in successive or single shot.

I am talking about a recent incident that happened in Panchkula in which seven people lost their lives unnecessarily and unknowingly. All seven had a common place to get together for few moments not to celebrate or get to know each other but to help a neighbor in distress.

In this incidence there is a story  about two brothers who lost their mother about 10-12 years ago. Their father brought them up as a single parent. He gave his both sons a good education and both got graduated with engineering degrees. One of them was working as an engineer in southern part of India. Elder was about 24  and younger was about 22 years in age. Both were unmarried.

Coming back to earlier point about three variables that are required for destiny to show its power in good or bad way: the time,  the place,  the circumstances.

It was an occasion of Diwali family union. Both sons and father were celebrating an auspicious occasion of Diwali. Perhaps friends in neighborhood were also happy to see their distant friend who was simply there to celebrate Diwali.

So the destiny chose a place next to their house. A horrible incident was about to happen and all the subjects were getting close to the same spot. There was still some time left before it happens. More subjects were required by the destiny. The neighbor's house. The time selected by destiny was time of Diwali celebration. The circumstances chose by destiny was a sudden fire in the neighborhood.

The subjects were two brothers,  the next door landlord and four other neighbors. All seven rushed to the next door landlord's house which was on fire. The firefighters were on their way but couldn't make it due to unruly parking of vehicles in the neighborhood.

When they reached the spot of their destiny they saw smoke coming out of room. One of them opened the door and next moment was end of their lives. Some died right away and some succumbed to injuries in the various  hospitals from skin burn. Within a week seven of them destined to leave their families for ever due to a single reason. The reason to help the next door landlord to control the fire.

No one of them knew about their next moment destiny. All were simply trying to help the neighbor who was in desperate need of help.

It is matter of common sense that no one should have opened the door through which smoke was coming out.

Why?  Why?  I am saying so. Recently I was having a lunch break at Healing Hospital Chandigarh and thinking about the incidence. There is nothing one could do to change the destiny of seven but sharing a piece of knowledge is necessary so that such incidents could be avoided those who are aware of it.

Fire and smoke are two integral part of each other. Smoke is result of poor fire conditions essentially lack of oxygen is the biggest. As a matter of fact when there is a small fire in an enclosed room, excessive fire turns into smoke due to lack of oxygen. Oxygen is a fire agent. Carbon dioxide is a smoke agent.

So if a room keeps filled with smoke, it means that source of fire is lacking oxygen to burn properly. As long as the room is closed the fire keep turning into smoke. If due to any reason the door or window is opened, there would be a sudden flames of fire and less smoke. The reason being the fire source now has got opening to outside fresh air which is full of oxygen. The smoke will turn into fire in no time. It is like a bomb with sudden explosion. The outside air has enough oxygen to fuel the fire and assist the cause of fire.

So fire behaves differently in open and closed conditions. Fire in open is not dangerous because it does not ends up in explosion. Open fire is more a spontaneous process whereas closed door fire is very explosive in nature especially if there is a gas cylinder or other source of fuel.

In the fatal incident two things happened. First the burned room interior was turning into smoke due to lack of oxygen. Second the losely connected gas cylinder turned into explosion. Firefighters knows how to handle such situations. There never open doors in such way. Especially if they know there is explosive gas inside the room.

In nut shell all I want to say is that had those seven known to the behaviour of fire they would have never opened the door as such. They must have waited for the fire brigade and helped to keep everyone away from fire zone.

So when ever you witness a fire in a house or building try to escape the building without opening the door of such room or apartment which is on fire. Because once you open the door you help the fire to get enough oxygen to burn into flames which spreads like flood water in every direction. Moreover the heat generated from fire causes high temperatures in which people can breath or withstand high temperature.

Also the high temperature burns down the building structure very quickly and people might not get chance to come out safely. Because high temperture damages the building structure which results in collapsing of building to ground zero.

The incident of 911 in New York of the ill-fated Twin Tower Buildings was a similar incident in which the fuel from planes caught fire and melted the building structure. Had those planes were empty of fuel such disaster could have been avoided. But once something happens due to negligence or deliberate act it is too late to reverse it. Because any incident is avoidable during planning stage but once time is up then there is no remedy unless we take precaution.

So ACTIONS happen in real time or Present or Now and PLANS help to avoid bad happenings. PLANS are powerful thing because it is not for NOW but for future ACTIONS, EVENTS, INCIDENTS, O and Unfortunes.

The destiny of poor is hard to change unless poor changes own destiny before time , location and cause get together at same spot. So PLAN your life daily while taking ACTIONS to survive the day and to be productive of the day.

PLANS without action are no plans and without PLANS there are no organized ACTIONS.

So always make ACTION PLAN rather than simply a plan which you may never dare to apply.

APPLICATION of PLAN is fruitful just like APPLiCaTION of SCIENCE is fruitful in terms of engineering and medicine.

Design your own destiny by PLANNING your future while simultaneously taking AcTIONS on PAST PLANS.

An UNPLANNED person is a like a leave of a tree which grows and goes to gutter without any utilization.

Don't gutter your time. Time is precious of all. Time is life. Life is time. So don't waste it.

Don't act as destiny of poor. Design your destiny by planning for today and tomorrow. Those who live in today's day tight compartment may lead a wonderful life by luck and not by destiny. You may not be able to change your luck but definitely you can change your destiny. Destiny is in your hands. If not all aspects of it in your hands but at least time is in your hands and planning is in your hands.

So never fail to plan because :

Successful and happy people never fail to plan whereas failures and miserable complainants always fail to plan because they reply on their luck.

Let me tell you the secret of nature . Nature has planned everything even birth of a leaf and it's sad demise straight to gutter without utilization as we think. If Sun, Moon, Planets, Life cycle, nature, environment has a planned time and routes then why we fail to plan.

Failing to plan means someone else on this earth will plan for you.  Nobody likes others to plan for them. That is why staff never like their bosses becUse bosses plan their work time but thank God not their personal time, free time, family time or social time.

But if you have no plan for your free time then at least plan a boss for your free time. God bless you.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

All of us are competitive in nature in good and bad ways! Which one you likes?

The-Destiny-of-Poor! Destiny-of-Woman! Destiny-of-People!

All of us are competitive in nature in good and bad ways! Which one you likes?

Competition is one of the healthiest trait in human beings to succeed which prevent us from becoming unemployed and beggar which no one likes. 

But keep in mind that sometimes our sense of competition make us drag the deserving person behind us and that is not healthy because it is the other side of ugly face of competition that induce greed, jealousy, frustration, anger, hatred in ourselves to hurt others on one hand and induce negative energy in our body like eddy current in conductors to make us further slow and sick.

So compete with best of your energy by focusing on destination and not the competitor. You may be slower than some but you never know it because you never acknowledged them except your target.

A little funny joke: Since tortoise never looked at his competitor and competed with best of its energy! Tortoise was the winner and not its competitor which is more than 100 x faster than it.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

More I read Mr. Gandhi, more I see an idealistic..politically naive Gandhi...a day dreamer of Utopian society

The-Destiny-of-Poor! Destiny-of-Woman! Destiny-of-People!

More I read Mr. Gandhi, more I see an idealistic..politically naive Gandhi...a day dreamer of Utopian society.  A society which is even hard to portray in a novel. He was also a paradox and hypocrite. On one hand he was dreaming about Self-Governance with complete control in every individual hands and yet talking about village as a unit which has self sustaining and self managing capabilities. 

But he confused himself somewhere in between individual's independence and dependence on villagers. To run a village it implies at least a very basic level of coordination between individuals of the village. Without which there will be a law of jungle unless as dreamed by Gandhi every individual being as Lord Rama or Lord Krishna...I am sorry Gandhi was against the sword power of Guru Gobind Singh...obviously was against the Archery power of Lord Rama and Chakra power of Lord Krishna.

 May be he thought individuals will acquire the power of Mahatama Budha overnight so that no individual would be intimidated by other individuals of village.

 There may be a slight confusion about his paradoxical and hypocritical nature.

 Let me take an example to make it further clear: Once Jehovah witness came to my door and I invited them inside. Asked if they would like to drink something. They said they were fine and thanked for my hospitality. Without wasting their time they asked me if they can share some information about God. I was clean shaven at that time but I had strong faith in Sikhism.

 So they started explaining to me that soon time will come when Jesus Christ will be the King of whole earth. I asked them that same sex people are asking for equal rights to marriage and what is your take on it. They without any hesitation or doubt told me that they do not take part in politics and defense forces at all. 

So I asked them if you are telling me that Jesus will be the king and his kingdom will be a heaven and in other words all citizens of earth would be free of evil spirits. They said yes they all will be but with the grace of Jesus Christ. So I said lets for sake of further debate lets assume that it is true. I continued and asked out of curiosity that you folks mentioned that Jesus will be the King. They all agreed and said Yes that is true.

 So I further asked if Jesus would be the King then obviously Jesus would have a kingdom. They said Yes whole earth would be his kingdom. So I further asked if he is going to be King of whole Earth then what's the point being a king if he does not have ministers and army. They said of course Jesus would have ministers and army. 

So I asked them if Jesus is going to run his kingdom and you are satisfied with having his rule and ministries and defense forces, then what is stopping you from participating in the today's political system to bring reforms for the benefits of human beings...especially if people like you who are so concerned about the salvation of human beings don't participate in democratic system then who else we expect to legislate law and order for us..the devils or the saints like you.

 They left my home without answering me.

 Gandhi ji is no different than Jehovah witness to me. They are dreaming about perfect society but waiting for Jesus to come and make them perfect.... Gandhi ji was in same boat as Jehovah. Both dreams about Perfect Society by magic and without defense forces...without sword and without participating in politics.

 Dalai Lama is another hypocrite like Gandhi and Jehovah, who preach love and Ahinsa (peace) but expect US forces to enforce peace and love in Tibet.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Mahatama Gandhi's discriminatory soul and thinking is root cause of India's demise of democracy and justice system for poor people of India.

The-Destiny-of-Poor! Destiny-of-Woman! Destiny-of-People!

Mahatama Gandhi's discriminatory soul and thinking is root cause of India's demise of democracy and justice system for poor people of India. 

Even though people of India suffered for ages from the bullying, tyranny and greed of control over people, resources and wealth, but we had someone to blame for it:
We blamed for Caste system to mainly Brahmins (Educators) and Kashteriyas (Government) and partly Businesscaste (Vaishya), even though Indians got some relief by combined efforts of Budhism, Moguls, Khalsa and British yet Indians are struggling to brake the social chains of caste system with the help of law and religious reforms.

But democracy by itself is to be blamed for creating a wider gap of resources and wealth distribution between poor and rich.

Today Brahmins and Workers are equally suffering except crooked dishonest Politicians and Greedy and Cunning Business houses and corporations.
Today poor and lower middle class is not limited to fourth class of old Caste system and rich does not belong to only Kashteriyas(businesscaste).

Now challenge to poor is not only from old rusted caste system in Indian society, which was perpetrated by upper class Brahmins and Kashteriyas, but mainly from Crooked Politician and Bureaucrats and Greedy, crooked and cheat business houses and corporations which have tendency to monopolize business activities to maximize their own profits without passing on to workers with the help of crooked politicians and bureaucrats.

Today majority Politicians, Bureaucrats and Business houses and corporation are main culprits for suffering of ordinary people of India and rest of world. 

India is almost free from caste system perpetrators and lack of education and lack of wealth and resources are the only reason people are still clinging to old evil caste system by themselves.

Neither Brahmins nor anyone else is responsible for this evil anymore.
It is poverty and illiteracy that eclipse the equality and progress of Indians.

Moreover Democracy has failed to control the crooked politicians and crooked business houses and corporations to cater to the needs of every humanbeings on this earth.

Poor has become more poor and rich has become more rich in our era of democracy.

Don't take me wrong, neither I am communist and nor imperialist.

In last decade Canada got twice as expensive as before without proportional increase in family income. India got more than ten times more expensive than before like Canada. 

Rest of world suffers as well according to their circumstances as analysed by financial pundits based on complex, complicated and rich inclined INFLATION RATE which is hard to make any sense for ordinary humanbeings worldwide whether it is democratic countries, communist countries or alien countries. 

India is still struggling to reach the real democracy and may take some years or decades to reach its full potential. 

It is quite possible Indians might not care about my opinion about failure of democracy worldwide to cater the needs of poor workers and poor, 

In my opinion, people of India would be much more ahead of world in near future If they reinvent or reform current democratic system before jumping into the freedom struggle against corrupt, crooked, cruel, tyrant political retime of India to streamline the business houses and corporations for the direct and real benefits of hard working Indians. 

People sacrificed their lives for freedom from Britishers with and without arms in a hope to give bright future to their future generations but both Indian and Pakistani are suffering far more than British regime. 

People of Punjab suffered the greatest hardship and damages by loosing Khalsa Empire to British which was established after long struggles and sacrifices of Sikhs, Muslims and Hindus. 

The Khalsa Regime was based on true and most modern democratic values and principles established by Guru Nanak Sahib to Guru Gobind Singh with Devine sacrifices of Two Gurus and four sons of Guru Gobind Singh and countless Singhs, countless Muslim Sikhs and countless Hindu Sikhs and countless mothers who did not bow to tyrants and invaders and preferred sacrificing their children to be cut into pieces in front of their eyes. 

I did not get it how Mahatama Gandhi failed to acknowledge these sacrifices and did not refrain from denouncing the greatest warrior, leader, martyr, socialist, democrat, father of social and religious freedom for free India.

Had Mahatama and his associates simply been respectful to Guru Gobind Singh and his democratic values, principles and practices for freedom of humanity and spirit to fight discrimination, atrocities and inequalities with dialog, self sacrifice and standing against enemy to fight regardless of the strength and power of enemy of democratic freedom of humanbeings, the sacrifices of people of India would have been fruitful to establish democracy free of discrimination and hatred.

Mahatama instead of paying respect to Guru denounced Guru and paved the path of discrimination and hatred against those who follow Guru. Even further a circulation was issued by Mahatama's right hand to keep secret eyes on his followers.

Mahatama's secretive hatred for Guru Gobind Singh and his Khalsa was directly responsible for division of India and Pakistan and innocent killings of hundreds of thousands of people during 1947 and killings of innocent people in 1984 in Delhi, Punjab and rest of India by his followers. 

Mahatama Gandhi's discriminatory soul and thinking is root cause of India's demise of democracy and justice system for poor people of India. 

India will continue to suffer as long as Indians do not pay back long awaited respect to Guru Gobind Singh and the sacrifices of his followers who were Singhs, Muslims and Hindus.

As it is clear in Khalsa Empire HINDUS, MUSLIMS, CHRISTIANS, SIKHS AND ALL OTHER FAITH COMMUNITIES were living together and contributing to establish and strengthen multicultural Khalsa regime.

If Hindu, Sikhs, Muslim, Christians and all other faith communities were living and working together in Khalsa Empire with complete freedom and free will then there was no reason for anyone to refuse to live together willingly after independence. 

It was Mahatama's hidden discriminatory and biased nature which was sensed by Muslims and pushed them for separate country. 

Demolition of Babri Masjid, Gujrat riots are clear offspring of Mahatama's psyche and his followers.
I am sorry to say all this which will be hard to swallow for most Mahatama followers and I entirely blame only those Indians who are followers of Mahatama Gandhi's controversial theory of Ahinsa (peace),

Had Mahatama been asked to sacrifice his life for India only then real Mahatama would have been exposed about his real capabilities and strengths.

He enjoyed being the leader of Indian people and enjoyed his command over congress and freedom fighters without arms. He knew British have rules and regulations and they punish according to law.

Army and spirit to fight the enemy is must to preserve the peace and without army and spirit to fight nations get slavery.

The above said contradicts with King Ashoka's principles and Mahatama Gandhi's principles yet our national flag of India have emblem of Ashoka in the middle and Mahatama Gandhi's photo in every Indian justice courts and probably in Parliament, Prime minister and President's office.

One of my Canadian friend asked me couple weeks ago that why Sikhs don't recognise Mahatama Gandhi as messenger of peace as perceived by rest of world. 

I told him that the person who can not appreciate the sacrifices of Guru Gobind Singh with respect can never earn my respect. 

It is not necessary for me to practice another faith but I can certainly respect that faith if it has common elements in it similar to mine. 

Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for people and it was a great sacrifice by him. 

Rani Jhansi, Maharana Partap, Shiva ji fought for their rights and independence and who can deny that.

Adopting realistic values and principles that adheres to truth and honesty are necessary for building strength and courage in poor people to fight corrupt and cruel political regime in India which is 100 Times harder than British regime to fight.

Only a real Mahatama would be able to achieve that with the grace of God and blessings of Guru. It may be Anna Hazare, Arvind Kejriwal, Swami Ramdev or any ordinary Indian. 

But this fight will be 100 times more tough and bloody than British fight. 


Monday, November 25, 2013

Are We Subject of Destiny....

Are we subject of Destiny or  destiny is subject of mankind

This question is similar to old famous saying," What came first, egg or chicken..."

Yet we will start to explore this subject soon...

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Brand Name at cost of Poor Workers in Bangladesh

Bangladesh: The Human Cost Of Cheap Fashion (via Lipstick & Politics)

What is the true, human cost of our cheap clothing?   Last week an eight storey garment factory collapsed in Bangladesh killing nearly 400 people, most of them young women.  Intense retail competition and demand for ever-cheaper clothing in wealthy nations have fueled the economy of this extremely…