Showing posts with label Dalai Lama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dalai Lama. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

More I read Mr. Gandhi, more I see an idealistic..politically naive Gandhi...a day dreamer of Utopian society

The-Destiny-of-Poor! Destiny-of-Woman! Destiny-of-People!

More I read Mr. Gandhi, more I see an idealistic..politically naive Gandhi...a day dreamer of Utopian society.  A society which is even hard to portray in a novel. He was also a paradox and hypocrite. On one hand he was dreaming about Self-Governance with complete control in every individual hands and yet talking about village as a unit which has self sustaining and self managing capabilities. 

But he confused himself somewhere in between individual's independence and dependence on villagers. To run a village it implies at least a very basic level of coordination between individuals of the village. Without which there will be a law of jungle unless as dreamed by Gandhi every individual being as Lord Rama or Lord Krishna...I am sorry Gandhi was against the sword power of Guru Gobind Singh...obviously was against the Archery power of Lord Rama and Chakra power of Lord Krishna.

 May be he thought individuals will acquire the power of Mahatama Budha overnight so that no individual would be intimidated by other individuals of village.

 There may be a slight confusion about his paradoxical and hypocritical nature.

 Let me take an example to make it further clear: Once Jehovah witness came to my door and I invited them inside. Asked if they would like to drink something. They said they were fine and thanked for my hospitality. Without wasting their time they asked me if they can share some information about God. I was clean shaven at that time but I had strong faith in Sikhism.

 So they started explaining to me that soon time will come when Jesus Christ will be the King of whole earth. I asked them that same sex people are asking for equal rights to marriage and what is your take on it. They without any hesitation or doubt told me that they do not take part in politics and defense forces at all. 

So I asked them if you are telling me that Jesus will be the king and his kingdom will be a heaven and in other words all citizens of earth would be free of evil spirits. They said yes they all will be but with the grace of Jesus Christ. So I said lets for sake of further debate lets assume that it is true. I continued and asked out of curiosity that you folks mentioned that Jesus will be the King. They all agreed and said Yes that is true.

 So I further asked if Jesus would be the King then obviously Jesus would have a kingdom. They said Yes whole earth would be his kingdom. So I further asked if he is going to be King of whole Earth then what's the point being a king if he does not have ministers and army. They said of course Jesus would have ministers and army. 

So I asked them if Jesus is going to run his kingdom and you are satisfied with having his rule and ministries and defense forces, then what is stopping you from participating in the today's political system to bring reforms for the benefits of human beings...especially if people like you who are so concerned about the salvation of human beings don't participate in democratic system then who else we expect to legislate law and order for us..the devils or the saints like you.

 They left my home without answering me.

 Gandhi ji is no different than Jehovah witness to me. They are dreaming about perfect society but waiting for Jesus to come and make them perfect.... Gandhi ji was in same boat as Jehovah. Both dreams about Perfect Society by magic and without defense forces...without sword and without participating in politics.

 Dalai Lama is another hypocrite like Gandhi and Jehovah, who preach love and Ahinsa (peace) but expect US forces to enforce peace and love in Tibet.