Wednesday, February 14, 2018



It is a complex subject.
It is about the creator.
It is about the consciousness.
It is relation between creator and conscious soul.
It is about getting to know about creator.
It is about purpose of soul.
It is about liberation of soul.
It is life long learning about self and creator.
It is about inner knowledge and understanding.
It is about inner engineering of creator and its relation to outer engineering of other souls and universe.
It is about love and boldness.
It is about fearlessness and biaslessness.
It is about understanding senses and its relation with mind.
It is about understanding of senses's functioning, processes through inter senses and body actions through mind.

It is about outcome of senses.

It is about senses and mind.

It is about what we see, hear, smell, breadth, eat, drink, act, react, feel and communicate.

It is about mind, mind processes, mind functioning, mind thoughts, mind ideas, mind plans, mind actions through body.

It is about mind connection with other minds.

It is about mind connection with supreme mind.

It is about listening, reading, following, understanding, practicing, experiencing, realising, feeling, enlightening of soul.

It is about merging soul with supreme soul.

It is about one supreme power, which has power to reduce to zero and manifest itself to One and to many.

It is about One Supreme soul which is so finite that it exist as zero and so infinite that no soul has power to measure it's magnificent, limits, inner engineering.

After all our own body, body functioning, mind, mind functioning is so unique that it is beyond human capacity to reproduce it. Our mind don't even know in completeness about soul, soul functioning, soul birth, body, body functioning, body birth (Conception), universe, universe functioning, universe birth, ecosystem, ecosystem functioning and ecosystem birth. Those who have knowledge about some intricate functioning of universe system and body system and ecosystem are more close to One Supreme power than those who believe through following and feelings but without knowing inner engineering of mind, body, ecosystem, universe.

Yet it is subject of faith, belief, understanding, practice and experience of peace, stability and harmonics of life process.

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