Monday, February 17, 2014

All religions are darn....

We all know all religions are darn confusing and complex to follow with no guarantee to results.

Yet we follow!

Is it TRUE or FALSE?

If it is FALSE! Please lead me. I will follow you?

If it is TRUE! Let's talk about it. We can share the confusion and complexity to resolve to best of our knowledge. Sharing thoughts, ideas give us New tools to learn the Art of imagination to build a new concept of religion with open mind and without any reservation.

Lets try to understand to make at least some sense to clear the confusion.
If the above said complexity and confusion bothers you but a slight effort to resolve it make you more confused than before and makes you vulnerable to direct and indirect criticism from parents, peers, friends, community then:

  • Lets share what is right and wrong in your and mine opinion and find a escape route to criticism from near and dear.
  • Lets share solutions that please our near and dears and also what make you happy.
  • Practicing something that is uncomfortable or does not make sense and yet we have to follow to please parents and community leads to hypocrisy and tarnish self image and decision making.

Some revolt and some gave in. 

  1. REVOLT  upsets parents, community
  2. GAVE-IN upsets us
  3. REVOLT give us guilty feeling and GAVE-IN give us stress and close mindedness
  4. Which is loose-loose situation.

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