Showing posts with label Dalai-Lamma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dalai-Lamma. Show all posts

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner.........

The natural instinct of a human being are  reactive and sometimes over reactive.
Keeping oneself unaffected, unaltered and unconcerned from others behavior is next to impossible for 
an ordinary human being.

I am pretty sure under certain circumstances Mr Lama must have found it hard to believe it by himself.
One may not react to others behavior, but completely ignoring or forgetting it is very hard.

And if one can't ignore or forget, then that certainly make one to think about it-sooner or later!

Yet only exceptional may have the power to prove it right.

And Honorable Mr. Dalai Lama is an exceptional personality and I am certain he can prove me wrong!

But if an human being can reach that state of mind...there is nothing like it....

Even  if we can get a fraction of it, that could make us a cool personality..