Showing posts with label Rights of women in Islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rights of women in Islam. Show all posts

Monday, December 23, 2013

Right Wrong

I don't really have
Right words for Wrong things 
that happen daily to

Rights of Poor  
by Rites & Rituals of Every Single 
Religion on this Earth!

Why every poor have to suffer from
 Rich, Religion and Rulers
Day in Day out!

Why Source of Hope and Freedom
trapped poor into constant fear!

Forget about Religion if you are
following out of fear!

Religion is Freedom not Fear

Satnam Singh Sidhu BC

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Rights of Women in Islam!

By Er. Satnam Singh Sidhu BC

God  loves everyone. God gave equal rights to all genders. The rigidity and inflexibility of any religion is harmful to human beings. Guru Nanak said, " Why to put down  women who gave birth to us and even the mightiest of the world like kings, Napoleon, Alexandra, Prophets so on. I am pretty sure Islam must have same rights for women as well. I have not got a chance to read it yet. For sure interpretation of religion is wrong by the preachers and that need to be revised and corrected. It is unfortunate that every religion have those fanatics who want to create controversies and discrimination against human beings through race, religion, color, gender and any other way they could think of to make things difficult for people to belief and practice. Guru Arjan Dev ji and Guru Tej Bahadur ji in 16th and 17th century have to bear unrelenting torture by Muslim emperors in Lahore and Delhi respectively. Those rulers tortured them to the end to force them to join Islam or show your Prophet Power and Miracles. It was refused by Gurus not that they did not respect Islam but because they said," Everyone have right to pray to God what ever way they want. Everyone is free to pray to God including women. Two younger sons of Guru Gobind Singh ji were arrested by Muslim emperor and were lured, threatened and tortured to death in Sirhind, Punjab. They both refused to join Islam.  Islam is a beautiful religion and big part of world follow the Islam. But intimidation and violence are never the ingredients of any religion and it never would be. It was proven to arrogant Muslim fundamentalists by  ten Sikh Gurus and Sikhs through their love, peace, perseverance and faith in One God to whom we all belong including women, men, gays, lesbians and atheists. Sikhs respect Islam and love Muslims and all other religions in same manner as a Sikh love a Sikh. All religions are great and respectable and people who follow any religion are equally respectful. That is why one of Sikh of Guru Nanak was a Muslim and most beloved companion to Guru; Guru Arjan Dev ji, Fifth Guru, gave the honor of inauguration of Sri Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple_ a place of worship open to all mankind of all religions, atheists including all genders) in Amritsar, Punjab to a Muslim saint Sai Mia Mir; Tenth Guru Gobind Singh had so many Sikhs who were Muslim and always remained Muslim, but those Muslims had great attachment and love for Guru Gobind Singh ji and they fought against the tyranny of fundamentalist Muslim rulers and the army to maintain justice and harmony in this world. They remained true to their own religion and to Guru Gobind Singh. One of city in Punjab named Malerkotla as of today is still a home of Muslims in majority. Please  visit the site to learn the history and Muslims will feel proud of it. Being a religious does not mean putting down other faiths albeit being a religious means cooperate with other religious people of same and different religious faiths. Sikh Gurus did not start a new religion, they taught the fundamentalist religious fanatic people to be respectful of each other and build a society of love and peace and not of hate and violence. It is time to recognize those fanatics in every religion and fight against them because they are leading parts in every religion and creating lots of unrest and hatred in this world. At present time Muslims had been portrayed as terrorists by some countries, who portray themselves as the ambassador of peace, and doing the same damage to Muslim community all over the world, must stop doing so. Both communities's evil fanatics are damaging our beautiful world. It is up to us to recognize those fanatics and condemn them and discard them from our religions. Whether it is Osama Bin Laden and his associates or it is Bush and his associates. Women and earth are both our mothers and both need protection from evils. Join together and kill the evil before it kills us. Kill the evil inside every human being to make him humble and peace preserver and never kill the human being. No human is evil, it is ones negative thinking that is evil.