Sunday, June 2, 2013

Airport Patdown procedures by TSA Agents in USA

A Canadian woman’s latest video of herself encountering the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) patdown procedures shows a female agent’s hand moving through her groin area, illustrating what she describes as a common violation of passenger privacy.

In that video I did not find anything objectionable that may violate once privacy of body parts. As far as important body point where one can hide anything  harmful are under the arms pit area, any bulging parts like breast area, in the underwear, socks, bottom of pants, shoes etc. TSA agents were courteous and co-operative in their action. Moreover it was in public, so chances of any abuse are slim. They are well trained and most of their touching of body parts were with proper style of hands posture and pressure.

It is unfortunate that circumstances have pushed airport authorities to search every one to such an extent, but it is not there fault. Moreover it is for the security of passengers on board and on the airport restricted area. If one imagines the benefit verses privacy, benefits are far more important than the privacy in this context.

But most suicidal criminals, if or whenever they decide or pushed to carry on a plot of such nature, those are the body parts, which they will use to hide explosives in exact same areas and it would be a heaven for them if TSA agency does not check those private body parts of passengers or not allowed to check those body parts.

Both genders are used by terrorists and thorough security search of both is very crucial.
On other hand passengers have valid concern of privacy but unfortunately in wake of such circumstances it is reasonable for authorities to take such precautionary measures and advisable to passengers to voluntarily allow such searches for their own safety and others safety until the security concerns settle down to normal in near future.

Both sides are right! Nobody is wrong!
Unfortunately the cunning satin is taking its toll on ordinary people's privacy and freedom.

Those who are overly concerned about their privacy and could not convince themselves! I would suggest to them to remind yourself of those moments when you have to go for medical examinations for your health reasons to a doctor and doctor have to check your private body parts for any signs of caner, skin decease, prostate etc; or when a mother is in labor and doctors have to deliver a baby; or doctors have to operate on you to cure from disease or organ failure.

Doctors scan and examine us for our well being. In same way, TSA agents scan and examine passengers bodies for any violation of security of passengers.

If someone feels embarrassing for such scanning in public, there should a choice for them to be scanned or checked in private under proper surveillance cameras and any other measure which can restore passenger's confidence that nobody would be take any unnecessary advantage of their body under the wake of security check.

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