Showing posts with label Guru Nanak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guru Nanak. Show all posts

Monday, May 28, 2018

Why Sikhism came into existence

Why Sikhism came into existence!

Every person has power to influence others. But influence tend to bend down in front of atrocities and tortures of majority.

But every person is not bendable regardless of level of toture or atrocities.

Guru Gobind Singh is one of the name in history who never bent down in front of tortures and atrocities of energy and majority  religioin neither his sons and nor his followers.

It is resilience and perseverance of Guru Gobind Singh who gave birth to a very organised religion which is open to all humanity and mankind. It is religion of love derives from sacrifices of his Sikhs based on principles of mankind salvation.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

My Punjab

My Punjab

My Punjab is most beautiful piece of land on the earth. My Punjab is small in size compared to rest of state of India yet remains in forefront on every front.

My Punjab has suffered a great deal of loss due to its aggressive and progressive nature in general. Sense of jealousy and hate of some states in past attempted to eclipse its beauty.

My Punjab never gave up regardless of the ruthless attitude of India towards it. It has strength of saints to remain calm and accept the consequences. It never complains for the unfairness attitude of central government.

My Punjab is very athletic and sporty by nature. It's diet is very rich in nutrients and vegetarian by nature. It also grow plenty of extra food to help the rest of India. My Punjab produces tonnes of wheat, rice, vegetables, fruits, poultry for its people.

My Punjab is so talented that it will take me long time to mention it's qualities and generous nature. My Punjab is strong technically, socially, politically, financially, literally and spiritually. It is progressive and always ready to change for good since ages.

My Punjab has very rich heritage. It is birth place of one of the old civilization of world. It has five rivers rich of sweet water that make it most fertile land on earth. Every inch of My Punjab is loaded with grains, grass, fruits, vegetables and trees.

My Punjab is very proud of itself. Because it gave birth to most modern and most adaptable school of thought, The Sikhism. In past, it gave birth to old school of Hinduism. All Vedas were authored in My Punjab.

The Holy Gita was authored by Lord Krishna during battle of Kurukshetra on the pious land of My Punjab. On this my holy land Lord Krishna protected the rights and honour of woman. My Punjab is also on forefront when it comes of rights of woman. The very unique and distinctive name KAUR was bestowed upon women to give her the own identity free of father's name and free of husband's name. Women rights are always the top priority of My Punjab.

We will continue to dig deep the hidden treasure of My Punjab. Bye for now.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


The-Destiny-of-Poor! Destiny-of-Woman! Destiny-of-People!

Satnam Singh Sidhu BC

Shared publicly  -  12:52 AM

This article is in response to following link which shows a child sleeping in middle of parent's graves. 


There are reasons for our sufferings:

First: Our choices of our thoughts and actions based on our knowledge and experience not only decide our fate and destiny but also of our loved ones, children and others.

Second: Our faith in One Supreme Power who created everyone and not just who created Muslim or Christian or Sikh or Jewish or Communist and treating each other fairly, equally, respectfully especially others who belongs to different religions.

Third:  Our empathy towards others regardless of their faith.

I really feel sorry for this little soul who is devoid of parents love by someone who is either  hard core killer without heart or senseless religious fanatic without life.

Our problem of mankind is that we are so hypocrite and rigid in our beliefs and superiority feelings without much room for empathy towards others.

We talk about love, peace and salvation for everyone who practices our belief but we talk about hate, revenge and hell for everyone who practices beliefs other than ours. (This may not be true for everyone but at least it is not false either).

We may show our respect for others in inter-faith forums and seminars held nationally or internationally but at the bottom of the heart we are prejudice and non-empathetic towards others with different faiths.

This is the root cause of wars other than universal gap between rich & poor in every country.

One Supreme Power - has numerous names like ALLAH - GOD - WAHEGURU..... but HE love us all regardless of our faiths and beliefs.

Biggest reason behind mankind suffering in present time is our Arrogance and sense of superiority over others.

I mean that majority Muslims feel superior to Christians and vice versa. Rest is manipulations and diplomatic statements.

 If both switch to humbleness and Love for each other, this world would turn into heaven in no time. Same is true for other faiths as well.

As Guru Nanak said:

"Manas ki jaath sabhbhay akai pehchanbo" from Sri Guru Granth Sahib
Guru Nanak means that "Recognize all human beings as One race"

Guru Nanak said "Hum nahin Changhay Burah nahin koey".
Guru Nanak means that "I am not superior to others and others are not inferior to me".

Once Muslims and Christians start thinking and acting like that, there would be no conflict between each other.

The only solution to peace and love is respect and empathy for others and someone got to start it.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Sikhism & Islam: Similarities and Differences

The-Destiny-of-Poor! Destiny-of-Woman! Destiny-of-People!

The following article is courtesy of and authenticity and credibility of article is not verified. Yet it has some positive aspects of commonality of two faiths which intrigued me to publish it. If any reader do not agree or found some wrong quotes, please feel free to send us the comments and We will publish it and forward to as well. I will read it thoroughly and express my views as well shortly.  Satnam Singh Sidhu BC

Courtesy of:

Sikhism & Islam


 Fatherhood of God
Gurus believed that not only is God our Father, but He is Mother, Brother, Husband and Friend.
"Thou art my father, Thou art my mother, Thou art my kinsman and Thou art my brother. In all the places Thou art my protector. Then why should I feel fear and anxiety?" (Guru Arjan, Majh, pg. 103)
 Bismillah of the Quran and the Mul Mantra of the Guru Granth Sahib are both dedicated to One Merciful God and are placed at the beginning of every new chapter. In both the nature of God transcends all concepts of time.
"God is one. His name is True. He is the Creator. His is without fear. He is inimical to none. His existence is unlimited by time. He is beyond the cycles of birth and death, self existent and can be realized through the grace of the Guru." (Guru Nanak)
 Emphasis on the Will of God in Quran is similar to the idea of Hukam in Guru Granth Sahib.
"Everyone is under the Hukam of the Lord; there is none outside it." (Guru Nanak, Japji)
 Theory of creation of the world by the mere will of God.
"The night and day, the Lord created, for the world to do the deeds. Through the Guru's instruction, the mind is illuminated and the darkness is dispelled. In His will, He creates all and pervades all the woods and grass blades." (Guru Amar Das, pg. 948)
 Encouragement of alms for the needy and poor
 Condemnation of idol worship.
 Condemnation of asceticism.

 Sikhism does not believe that any Holy Book takes precedence over all others or any religions prophet is the final messenger of God.

"Say not that the Vedas and Muslim books are false. False is he, who reflects not on them." (Bhagat Kabir, Parbhati, pg. 1350)
"The followers of the Vedas, the Bible and the Koran, standing at Your Door, meditate on You. Uncounted are those who fall at Your Door." (Guru Arjan, pg. 518)
"And many have been orthodox amongst the Muslims, and men of miracles, and Ashvini Kumaras, and the part-incarnations of Vishnu, all O all went the way of death. And many were the prophets and spiritual guides, yea, countless were they: they sprang from the dust and to dust they returned." (Guru Gobind Singh, Akal Ustati)
 Purpose of the Holy Book
"Thus We have revealed the Koran in the Arabic tongue and proclaimed in it warnings and threats so that they may take heed and guard themselves against evil." (20:114 Quran)
"Upon this Plate, three things have been placed: Truth, Contentment and Contemplation. The Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, the Name of our Lord and Master, has been placed upon it as well; it is the Support of all. One who eats it and enjoys it shall be saved. This thing can never be forsaken; keep this always and forever in your mind. The dark world-ocean is crossed over, by grasping the Feet of the Lord; O Nanak, it is all the extension of God." (Guru Arjan, Mundavanee, pg. 1429)
 Sikhism believes that people of different religions are equally capable of achieving salvation while still following their own religion.
"Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another. Whoever of you seeks their friendship shall become one of their number. Allah does not guide the wrongdoers." (5:49, Quran)
"Mohammed is Allah's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another." (48:29, Quran)
"When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them. If they repent and take to prayer and pay the alms-tax, let them go their way. Allah is forgiving and merciful." (9:4, Quran)
"There is a garden, in which so many plants have grown. They bear the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam as their fruit. Consider this, O wise one, by which you may attain the state of Nirvaanaa. All around this garden are pools of poison, but within it is the Ambrosial Nectar, O Siblings of Destiny. There is only one gardener who tends it. He takes care of every leaf and branch. He brings all sorts of plants and plants them there. They all bear fruit - none is without fruit." (Guru Arjan, Asa, pg. 385)
"The temple or the mosque are the same, the Hindu worship or the Musalman prayer are the same; all men are the same; it is through error they appear different. Deities, demons, Yakshas, heavenly singers, Musalmans and Hindus adopt the customary dress of their different countries. All men have the same eyes, the same ears, the same body, the same build, a compound of earth, air, fire, and water. Allah and Abhekh are the same, the Purans and the Quran are the same; they are all alike; it is the one God who created all. The Hindu God and the Muhammadan God are the same; let no man even by mistake suppose there is a difference." (Guru Gobind Singh, Akal Ustat, pg. 275)
 Sri Guru Granth Sahib places greater emphasis on love of God as the main motivation for man rather than fear of God.
"Truly, none will take heed but the wise: those who keep faith with Allah and do not break their pledge; who join together what He has bidden to be united; who fear their Lord and dread the terrors of Judgement-day; who for the sake of Allah endure with fortitude..." (13:18, Quran)
"Allah's reward is great. Therefore fear Him with all your hearts and be attentive, obedient, and charitable. That will be best for you." (64:13, Quran)
"Within my heart, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and celebrate the Word of the Lord's Shabad. The Lord Himself is pervading and permeating the world; so fall in love with Him!" (Guru Nanak, pg. 790)
"Remembering Him in meditation, one abides in peace; one becomes happy, and suffering is ended. Celebrate, make merry, and sing God's Glories. Forever and ever, surrender to the True Guru." (Guru Arjan, Asa, pg. 386)
 Sikhism does not believe in the idea of Gods name being only those authorized in a religious tradition or Holy Book.
"Many are Thy Names and infinite Thine forms and it cannot be told how many merits Thou hast." (Guru Nanak, Asa, pg. 358)
 Non-Sikhs are allowed to visit and enter the most sacred shrine of the religion, The Golden Temple.
"Believers, know that the idolaters are unclean. Let them not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year is ended" (9:26, Quran)
"Blessed is the place, and blessed are those who dwell there, where God's Name is meditated upon. The sermons and songs of God's praises are sung there and there is nothing but peace, poise and tranquillity." (Guru Arjan, Raga Bilaval, pg. 816)
"If the Lord Allah lives only in the mosque, then to whom does the rest of the world belong? …The God of the Hindus lives in the southern lands, and the God of the Muslims lives in the west. So search in your heart - look deep into your heart of hearts; this is the home and the place where God lives." (Bhagat Kabir, pg. 1349)
 Attitude towards women. Sikh women are allowed to lead congregations of men at the temple or administer all religious ceremonies involving either men or women.
"Man have authority over women because Allah has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because Allah has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them." (4:34, Quran)
"We are born of woman, we are conceived in the womb of woman, we are engaged and married to woman. We make friendship with woman and the lineage continued because of woman. When one woman dies, we take another one, we are bound with the world through woman. Why should we talk ill of her, who gives birth to kings? The woman is born from woman; there is none without her. Only the One True Lord is without woman" (Guru Nanak, Var Asa, pg. 473)
 Sikhism does not believe in women wearing veils.
"Stay, stay, O daughter-in-law - do not cover your face with a veil. In the end, this shall not bring you even half a shell." (Bhagat Kabir, Asa, pg. 484)
 Sikhism does not believe in fasting or pilgrimages.
"The mind is not softened by fasting or austerities. Nothing else is equal to worship of the Lord's Name." (Guru Nanak Dev, Ramkali, pg. 905)
"The pilgrimage to shrines, fasting, cleanliness and self-mortification are not of any avail, nor are the rituals, religious ceremonies and hollow adoration's. Deliverance, O! Nanak! is in the devotional service of God. Through duality the mortal is engrossed in worldliness. (Guru Nanak, Sri Rag, pg. 75)
 Sikhism rejects the killing of any animal evoking a prayer or by slow death. Muslim Halal meat is forbidden for Sikhs.
"Yet holding the knife, the world they butcher. Wearing blue the rulers approval they seek; With money derived from mlechhas the Puranas they worship. Goats slaughtered over the unapproved Muslims texts they eat." (Guru Nanak, Raga Asa, pg. 472)
 Sikhism rejects the idea of circumcision.
"Because of the love of woman, circumcision is done; I don't believe in it, O Siblings of Destiny. If God wished me to be a Muslim, it would be cut off by itself. If circumcision makes one a Muslim, then what about a woman?" (Bhagat Kabir, Asa, pg. 477)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Guru Nanak

The-Destiny-of-Poor! Destiny-of-Woman! Destiny-of-People!

Guru Nanak

Guru Nanak said that in order to gain wisdom and salvation one must join the congregation of those who strive for truth and truthful living.

Without the grace of God one can not join that congregation.

Further Guru Nanak explained that without joining the congregation, one would only trap himself or herself into such actions and thoughts that leads to confusion, greed, anger, violence etc.

We are all destined to be poor regardless of higher education, wealth, health, if we don't remember the True Name of God every moment.