Showing posts with label The Hindhuism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Hindhuism. Show all posts

Saturday, November 25, 2017

My Punjab

My Punjab

My Punjab is most beautiful piece of land on the earth. My Punjab is small in size compared to rest of state of India yet remains in forefront on every front.

My Punjab has suffered a great deal of loss due to its aggressive and progressive nature in general. Sense of jealousy and hate of some states in past attempted to eclipse its beauty.

My Punjab never gave up regardless of the ruthless attitude of India towards it. It has strength of saints to remain calm and accept the consequences. It never complains for the unfairness attitude of central government.

My Punjab is very athletic and sporty by nature. It's diet is very rich in nutrients and vegetarian by nature. It also grow plenty of extra food to help the rest of India. My Punjab produces tonnes of wheat, rice, vegetables, fruits, poultry for its people.

My Punjab is so talented that it will take me long time to mention it's qualities and generous nature. My Punjab is strong technically, socially, politically, financially, literally and spiritually. It is progressive and always ready to change for good since ages.

My Punjab has very rich heritage. It is birth place of one of the old civilization of world. It has five rivers rich of sweet water that make it most fertile land on earth. Every inch of My Punjab is loaded with grains, grass, fruits, vegetables and trees.

My Punjab is very proud of itself. Because it gave birth to most modern and most adaptable school of thought, The Sikhism. In past, it gave birth to old school of Hinduism. All Vedas were authored in My Punjab.

The Holy Gita was authored by Lord Krishna during battle of Kurukshetra on the pious land of My Punjab. On this my holy land Lord Krishna protected the rights and honour of woman. My Punjab is also on forefront when it comes of rights of woman. The very unique and distinctive name KAUR was bestowed upon women to give her the own identity free of father's name and free of husband's name. Women rights are always the top priority of My Punjab.

We will continue to dig deep the hidden treasure of My Punjab. Bye for now.