Tuesday, March 4, 2014


The-Destiny-of-Poor! Destiny-of-Woman! Destiny-of-People!

Satnam Singh Sidhu BC

Shared publicly  -  12:52 AM

This article is in response to following link which shows a child sleeping in middle of parent's graves. 


There are reasons for our sufferings:

First: Our choices of our thoughts and actions based on our knowledge and experience not only decide our fate and destiny but also of our loved ones, children and others.

Second: Our faith in One Supreme Power who created everyone and not just who created Muslim or Christian or Sikh or Jewish or Communist and treating each other fairly, equally, respectfully especially others who belongs to different religions.

Third:  Our empathy towards others regardless of their faith.

I really feel sorry for this little soul who is devoid of parents love by someone who is either  hard core killer without heart or senseless religious fanatic without life.

Our problem of mankind is that we are so hypocrite and rigid in our beliefs and superiority feelings without much room for empathy towards others.

We talk about love, peace and salvation for everyone who practices our belief but we talk about hate, revenge and hell for everyone who practices beliefs other than ours. (This may not be true for everyone but at least it is not false either).

We may show our respect for others in inter-faith forums and seminars held nationally or internationally but at the bottom of the heart we are prejudice and non-empathetic towards others with different faiths.

This is the root cause of wars other than universal gap between rich & poor in every country.

One Supreme Power - has numerous names like ALLAH - GOD - WAHEGURU..... but HE love us all regardless of our faiths and beliefs.

Biggest reason behind mankind suffering in present time is our Arrogance and sense of superiority over others.

I mean that majority Muslims feel superior to Christians and vice versa. Rest is manipulations and diplomatic statements.

 If both switch to humbleness and Love for each other, this world would turn into heaven in no time. Same is true for other faiths as well.

As Guru Nanak said:

"Manas ki jaath sabhbhay akai pehchanbo" from Sri Guru Granth Sahib
Guru Nanak means that "Recognize all human beings as One race"

Guru Nanak said "Hum nahin Changhay Burah nahin koey".
Guru Nanak means that "I am not superior to others and others are not inferior to me".

Once Muslims and Christians start thinking and acting like that, there would be no conflict between each other.

The only solution to peace and love is respect and empathy for others and someone got to start it.

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