Friday, January 17, 2014

Govt should tell truth on Operation Bluestar, says Arun Jaitley

Govt should tell truth on Operation Bluestar, says Arun Jaitley The-Destiny-of-Poor! Destiny-of-Woman! Destiny-of-People! Destiny of India! Destiny of Punjab

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Guru Nanak

The-Destiny-of-Poor! Destiny-of-Woman! Destiny-of-People!

Guru Nanak

Guru Nanak said that in order to gain wisdom and salvation one must join the congregation of those who strive for truth and truthful living.

Without the grace of God one can not join that congregation.

Further Guru Nanak explained that without joining the congregation, one would only trap himself or herself into such actions and thoughts that leads to confusion, greed, anger, violence etc.

We are all destined to be poor regardless of higher education, wealth, health, if we don't remember the True Name of God every moment.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Stop Praying God if......


Stop Praying God if....

Stop praying God
If you still see black and white

Stop praying God
If you still see my daughter and your daughter

Stop praying God
If you still see my God and your God

Stop praying God
If you still see my race and your race

Stop praying God
If you still see poor feed by you

Stop praying God
If you see a different God inside and outside

Stop praying God
If you still see you have prayed more than others

Stop praying God
If you still see why others not praying to God

Stop praying God
If you still see only men can serve the God

Stop praying God
If you still see God only lives in east or west

Stop praying God
If you still see more than one God

Stop praying God
If you still see my way or high way

Stop praying God
If you still see negatives of others

Stop praying God
If you still see others and not God

Stop praying God
If you still see your humbleness

Stop praying God
If you still see yourself as I or me or mine

Stop praying God
If you still see you are following others

Stop praying God
If you still see God is in only Church, Mosque, Synagogue, Temple or Gurudwara

Stop praying God
If you still see God nowhere

Stop praying God
If you don't want to

Stop praying God
If you simply pleasing others

Just pray God
If you love God and God's creation

Just pray God
Who controls the entire universe

Just pray God
Who loves poor-rich; black-brown-red-white; male-female, anyone; anything; anywhere; everywhere

Just pray God
Who has love one for and all

Just pray God
To get closer and closure in every moment; every day; every year; till the last breath

You are praying God
If you love everyone from bottom of heart without any rituals and any show-off

If you remember God in every breath; in every thought
If you remember God in every action; success or fail

If you sing God's glory true from your heart for every breath till the death
If we sing God's glory through thick and thin and praise the God

We may live or rest in grave
We may die or burn in fire

There is no fear or any pain
There is no hate or any shame

As God is one and one for all
God is us and us is God

Rest is bullshit believe it or not

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Destiny of People of City of Surrey BC

Destiny of City of Surrey BC

Julie Paskall Death: Friends Set Up Trust Fund For Slain Mom's Family

I feel sorry for the family for such a tragic loss. It is hard to believe how someone could go that far to beat her to death just for sake of stealing money. I am feeling sick of it. People are getting killed in Surrey related to drug and crime is one story in which all three levels of governments have failed to control it. But attacking women, especially parent who are trying their best to raise their children, in one of the busiest spot of Surrey is unbelievable and hard to digest. I just wandering how much more time our law makers and law enforcers need before they wake up from their sleep and make drastic changes in criminal laws and law enforcement effectiveness. Simply making another drug task force by Civic politicians is not going to make any difference. A similar task force was made in 2004 as well by City of Surrey and in last 10 years crime rate did not go down. It is hard to believe that Civic Government and RCMPs of City of Surrey like to play with numbers on piece of papers bragging about how they have reduced killings from X numbers to X-1 or X-2 in current years. Good for them. But being a citizen I am asking them why X number of killings can not be reduced to X-X. I have seen in past where Mayors, Police Chiefs, BC Attorney General, Ministers and MLAs did public meeting but failed to resolve.

I appeal to everyone to help the victim family financially and serving justice. I feel this killing is the result of poor government and RCMP functioning for more than a decade and responsible for this loss. The trust fund is opened in Vancity under Paskall Trust Fund.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Are we destined to be illusioned by modern day technology, I hope it won't lead to delusion.

Complicated theories of religions confused the majority people and smart religious priests created complicated rituals for personal gains.

Technology is worse than religion. It is much more complicated and people could be easily fooled by smart technologists.

Modern technology could easily be misused to manipulating the realities into Illusions.

I am afraid like religion one day the modern information technology will scare the hell out of ordinary human beings and could be equally fatal as religion.

Till date majority people follow religion out of fear and not love. Whether it is Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Budhaism, Hinduism, Sikhism or any other religion majority follow it out of fear.

I have same feelings about modern information technology which is available in the hands of majority of world population. There is nothing wrong in having the information technology for our day to day communication, interaction and business use.

Of course we can obtain information about any subject, topic, article, places, products, flights booking, departure and arrival information, video calling, chatting, banking, job placement and recruitment, documents transmission, music, movies, video and voice recording and transmitting and much more than this from our little iPhones or Android phones.

It is great! Great Communication devices! Great speed! Great ease of access! Great gift of technology!

But on other hand, we are losing our privacy at speed of light. People know people around the globe in fraction of seconds. Social media have exposed our identity globally. Whether we commute to work or shop for grocery or fly for vacation within country or out of country our modern phone tracks our position globally anywhere we go. Our banking accounts might be safe but our information is travelling around the world in unlimited hands.

Whats App, Facebook, Google Plus, GPS Tracking, Twitter and unlimited social media apps are bringing the world closer on one hand and on other hand exposing us to the whole world. And remember world is full of scoundrels and hackers. The speed at which these social media applications have mushroomed in the internet world, the cyber patrol police, cyber intelligence bureau, cyber national defense forces are not established yet.

Our identity, our accounts, our privacy, our daily activities are going to be under attack. Hackers are one serious threat in the cyber world. But our phones are also source of our personal information to the rest of world.

At this time things looks under control but how would we control this trend in future. Every new phone acts like a mini computer, which has IP address. In other word just like our homes have an address, these phones have address regardless where we are in the world.

In other words we could be tracked physically anywhere in the world. Not a problem at moment. Just imagine about future. Your own phone will provide lot of information to others. It does not need your permission to do so for certain activities and in some cases the users themselves accept the agreement to certain Free Apps that their information could be shared to the third parties which ends up in unknown hands.

It is evident that when credit cards were introduced it was a great relief to general public. It was a legal promise by lenders to credit card holders to use credit card instead of cash loan. People found it convenient. But we all know there are credit card thieves who steal cards, make illegal duplicate cards and biggest scam was when sophisticated thieves stopped their retail stealing jobs and moved up to wholesale the credit cards lists to retail thieves.

Now all our account numbers and credit card numbers are accessible through internet and every bank is pushing there customers to use online banking and to use online bill payments and transfer of money. No doubt, bank accounts are encrypted for safety from hackers and similar other information transfer is intended to be encrypted. Yet hackers find there way to break into the protected systems.

The biggest caution that should be exercised is to refrain from putting most current full face photographs and downloading Free Apps or paid Apps which ask your permission to share your information with third parties.

Do not accept friendship request from people you don't know. Keep your circle within close friends. People who are making friends for enhancing their social circle is considerable but widening your circle for pure fun is dangerous to your identity and to your safety.

Playing safe and under control with caution could help you to enjoy the power of information technology but careless and uncontrolled information sharing could lead to cyber bulling, intimidation, addiction, danger to personal safety and family safety.

Information Technology is a boon to careful internet users but a serious danger to careless users. Like science has its benefits of comfort to people but science also gave Atom Bomb to people. Exercise due diligence and care while using internet before it becomes an Atom Bomb for users.

The last thing I want to share is level of competency of ordinary users about the knowledge of the technology used in computers, cellphones, tablets and similar devices. Knowing how hardware and software functions is crucial to know to keep pace with time. Knowledge of various Apps functioning and public reviews about those Apps are also important to know for every one.

Otherwise it won't take much time for information technology to take over our lives. Technology is much more complex than a religion. Religious people were supposed to learn how to follow religion out of love, instead they are still stuck at a very lower level of following religion out of fear. Of course not every person is driven by fear to follow religion but I can bet majority are.

World Wide Web (WWW) is the international highway of information. One must know how to drive on this information highway. Accidents are much more severe and dangerous on this highway if not driven carefully and under control. Of course information highway accidents are not physical but it could endanger your reputation, your mental stability and personal and family wealth.

Just a small example, a picture of anyone could be easy manipulated to alter the identity and posture and much more to create an Illusion.

But my fear is not the Illusion. I want to take you to a further level, where one gets confused whether it is Illusion or not? Where one starts thinking about something as real whereas it wasn't and vice-versa.

This is the dangerous zone of mental ability where our mind gets confused in between Illusion and Reality. When Illusion leads to delusion, then it turns into belief without proof. Which is same as Religion. The belief does not require a proof. And even if someone insist for proof of God, unfortunately there is none. It is a matter of faith, where one have to believe that there is a God and one have to practice with patience before realizing the God. And even once someone realize the God, there is no way He or She can show God to others.

For ages people are trying to reach God through various religious rituals and practices but I have not seen in my life who claims that they have seen God. I am pretty sure nobody can claim that they can show me the God.

I am not denying God. I am talking about our mental perceptions other than reality of tangibles. Our mental capabilities can be categorized  broadly in following ways:

Reality       (means everything that existed,exists and will exist)

Illusion      (Distortion of Reality),
Delusion    ( belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary), 
Confusion  (Unclear in one's mind about something)

These terms I mentioned here, would not be explained in details but it would create some ideas in your mind and may lead some conclusive ideas about information technology.

There are five key contributing factors involved in it:

1   World Wide Web platform, network and devices attached to it for transmission and retrieval of information.
2   Operating software and hardware companies, The Applications Providers (Software engineers and institutions and companies) and internet service providers.
3   The end users ( You and Me)
4   The Regulatory Bodies (Registrars, cyber police...)
5   The Hackers (The Atom Bombs)

Application Providers would try their best to make things convenient and easy for End Users but The Hackers would always try their best to create Illusions and if Illusions becomes more and more predominant in nature, this may lead to stage of The Atom Bombs, could lead to delusional state. At this stage people will be divided into believer and non-believer stage.

Some will believe in information technology like religion and some like atheist. What would information technology platform look like in future? I don't know but people would be suspicious of people and may not talk to each other in person until passing through various virtual scanning devices to ensure person has nothing to steal from me through various wireless devices especially cellphones and other wireless gadgets.

We all remember what happened between two honorable Member Parliament of Canada, Mr. Ujjal Dosanjh and Gurmant Grewal, how their confidential conversation between the two went public and disclosed the realities of political world that how members could be persuaded to cross the floors without taking voters into confidence.

Both MPs openly blamed each other and never thought the repercussion of the move. Asking a member to cross the floor may not be illegal but disclosing the private negotiation conversation to public by recording it definitely unethical.

Both have to pay the price for it. It all happened due to a hidden recording device. Just imagine with new technology every cellphone holder have the ability to record voice and even video to share with public.

Some Political Pundits must be anxious to take sides of both MPs. Never mind I am not concerned in this article who is right or wrong. Reason I brought this incident into lime light is that a small recording device can serve as an Atom Bomb in political world. And it has the same capability to become an Atom Bomb in your family, social and financial world.

I will talk to you soon again. Good bye until then.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Right Wrong

I don't really have
Right words for Wrong things 
that happen daily to

Rights of Poor  
by Rites & Rituals of Every Single 
Religion on this Earth!

Why every poor have to suffer from
 Rich, Religion and Rulers
Day in Day out!

Why Source of Hope and Freedom
trapped poor into constant fear!

Forget about Religion if you are
following out of fear!

Religion is Freedom not Fear

Satnam Singh Sidhu BC

Friday, December 20, 2013

How can I become Best, God

How can I become best, God  

Tell me now or forget about it!
What you told me, I don't remember!
What you might tell me later, it might not matter
Tell me now or never
Sorry for the rush
Say it if you can speak
Jot it if you can write
e-mail if you have Google ID
Blog it if you don't know how to read and write
Sorry too late I am signing off
May be next time
Don't miss it next time

Because sometimes there is No Next Time

Satnam Singh Sidhu BC Dec20 2013 12:59pm Surrey BC Canada