Showing posts with label BC Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BC Politics. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Seniors or Citizens attacks in Surrey have become a norm

Destiny of poor is to work for money to support family. Destiny of people, success or struggle is dependent on education, good or bad choices & luck! Destiny of woman is no different!
Chuck Cadman, 2005 budget vote.jpg
Late Honorable Chuck Cadman, M.P.

Senior has been attacked in Surrey's Newton Athletic Park

It does not seems a big deal in Surrey because Governments do not have heart and drive to bring changes. Seniors or Citizens attacks in Surrey have become a norm.

Credit goes to our mayor, Ms. Dianne Watts who insisted on to keep expensive RCMP police force in Surrey, which is totally short staffed. Our property taxes and utility bills have almost doubled since I bought house in 2002. Surrey is a complete mess where criminals know that they can easily get away with crimes. People have lost hope and confidence in RCMP force, local and BC Government. Late Honorable Chuck Cadman, who was one of the local conservative MP and later won independent, who lost his young son and tried his best throughout his life to lobby for controlling the crime in Surrey without much success. I can feel how hard it is to lose a young son. But this continues and our police is good at making extensive investigations without much success and speculating the motives behind such incidents and even murders. I left India in 1990 because there was no guarantee of safety from government and police but it was not this bad as Surrey. Surrey has turned into nightmare for residents safety. Only thing our Surrey government is good at is making Drug Crime Task Forces and blaming different communities for the crimes. Surrey can not afford more taxes and can not afford such criminal atmosphere. Only possibility left behind is firing RCMPs and hiring local police which could be more effective and sensitive to security concerns of residents. It is only possible if our Hon. Mayor let go her arrogance and make rational decisions.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Destiny of People of City of Surrey BC

Destiny of City of Surrey BC

Julie Paskall Death: Friends Set Up Trust Fund For Slain Mom's Family

I feel sorry for the family for such a tragic loss. It is hard to believe how someone could go that far to beat her to death just for sake of stealing money. I am feeling sick of it. People are getting killed in Surrey related to drug and crime is one story in which all three levels of governments have failed to control it. But attacking women, especially parent who are trying their best to raise their children, in one of the busiest spot of Surrey is unbelievable and hard to digest. I just wandering how much more time our law makers and law enforcers need before they wake up from their sleep and make drastic changes in criminal laws and law enforcement effectiveness. Simply making another drug task force by Civic politicians is not going to make any difference. A similar task force was made in 2004 as well by City of Surrey and in last 10 years crime rate did not go down. It is hard to believe that Civic Government and RCMPs of City of Surrey like to play with numbers on piece of papers bragging about how they have reduced killings from X numbers to X-1 or X-2 in current years. Good for them. But being a citizen I am asking them why X number of killings can not be reduced to X-X. I have seen in past where Mayors, Police Chiefs, BC Attorney General, Ministers and MLAs did public meeting but failed to resolve.

I appeal to everyone to help the victim family financially and serving justice. I feel this killing is the result of poor government and RCMP functioning for more than a decade and responsible for this loss. The trust fund is opened in Vancity under Paskall Trust Fund.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Dave Hayer and BC Politics and NOW Canadian Politics

Dave Hayer and BC Politics and NOW Canadian Politics

Lot of people have vision and a plan to do something constructive, no matter at what level they are functioning in the society. Some people function without vision or may be they have their own so called vision which may be self serving in nature.

People run in politics for various reasons. But to me most important and valid reason is serve the community to make some positive changes. Some run in politics because they got break through first time by luck and later it becomes their necessity! Why? What else they will do? How they are going to pay their household bills?

Some serve the  country and the community and some serve the party and some serve themselves! And this scale decide how dedicated elected officials we have in the parliament or assembly who are running the government and planning the future of the community.

Self serving elected officials are there, but they are not there to serve you, they are there to collect a paycheck every month from tax payer's pockets. Those you serve the party are mostly "Yes" persons, which may be detrimental during very critical and crucial decision making votes. They simply say "Yes" to party decision regardless it is good or bad decision. On top of the scale are the elected officials who represent country and community and they do not settle for vested interests of their party or their own.

It is up to the constituents to decide who is the best. At one point it was heard that Dave Hayer is out of politics due to some personal reasons. Now all of sudden he changed his mind! I like to hear from Mr Hayer about his achievements from 2001-2013. Even though I am not from his constituency but being acitizen I have right to ask what have he done for the BC community in past?

What he is going to do in future for community and why he want to go for federal politics? I understand if he get elected he will contribute one yes vote for his party in Canadian parliament just like in BC assembly. But other than a Yes man to his party what are his contributions to BC and What is his vision about Canadian Politics in Ottawa? Why Ottawa? Why he had been approached many times over the years to seek a seat as a Member of Parliament?

Simply because he was winning in BC elections consecutively since 2000, or he had made significant contribution to the community of BC.

I know Mr Hayer always bring up his dad's murder in his agenda. I have sympathy for him for that matter. It is sad that the murder case has not been resolved. But that is not enough to vote for him. Being a matured politician he should give his constituents and country a clear vision and agenda of his own which should complement the national agenda of his party. If a Canadian Politician does not have a clear vision and agenda of his own - he should not run for politics- neither the constituents should vote for such a person.

Otherwise it is a waste of vote, waste of time, waste of tax payer money and waste of one important voice as elected official. Waste in Assembly-Waste in Parliament. A simple waste...