Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sheshnag! Multi Head Snake Real or Prank!



 Multi Head Snake! Real or Prank!

Sheshnag means a snake with multi heads. In past it was heard from Hindu mythology with five heads which has special place in Hindu Religion. Here is a snake with Seven heads. Amazing! Nice creature!
Following information is from this website. For more information follow the link:

"Mythical Importance Of Sheshnag:

This mythical 5 headed-snake stands with its fangs open over the head of Lord Vishnu. The coiled body of the snake forms the throne on which Lord Vishnu is reclining. Thus, this snake is is worshipped by Hindus as it is the seat of Lord Vishnu's who is one of the Holy Trinity in Hinduism. Krishna, Lord Vishnu's avatar was born to Devika and Vasudeva on a very stormy night. When Vasudeva was braving torrential to carry baby Krishna across the river to Gokul (to keep him safe), the Sheshnag rose from the river and shaded the father and child like an umbrella Both the Devas (Gods) and Asuras (Demons) wanted 'amrit' (elixir or eternal life), but to get it, they had to whip up the great seas of the world (Samudra manthan). The Sheshnag had then become the rope with which the seas were churned."

Sheshnag: Myth Or Reality
Read more at: http://www.boldsky.com/yoga-spirituality/faith-mysticism/2012/sheshnag-snake-myth-030455.html

What do you think! Is it real or just a prank by someone!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

"Life is not a spectator sport.... If you're going to spend...."by Jackie Robinson, 1964

"Life is not a spectator sport. . . . If you're going to spend your whole life in the grandstand just watching what goes on, in my opinion you're escaping your life."
-- Jackie Robinson, 1964

Pasted from <http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/featured_documents/jackie_robinson_letter/

This following letter was written to President of America by Jackie Robinson. For complete information, please follow the link above: This is not in its original format. 

May 13, 1958
The President
The White House
Washington, DC.

My dear Mr. President:

I was sitting in the audience at the Summit Meeting of Negro
Leaders yesterday when you said we must have patience. On
hearing you say this, I felt like standing up and saying, “Oh
not Not again.”
I respctfully reziind yàu sir, that we have been the most
patient of all people. When you said we must have self-
respect, I wondered hew we could have self-respect and rem
ain patient considering the treatment accorded us through
the years.
17 million Negroes cannot do as you suggest and. wait for the
hearts of men to change. We want to enjoy now the rights
that we feel we are entitled to as Americans. This we cann
ot do unless we pursue aggressively goals which all othcr
Americans achieved over 150 years ago.
As the chief executive of our nation, I respectfully suggest
that you unwittingly crush the spirit of freedom in Negroes
by constantly urging forbearance and give hope to those pro-
segregation leaders like Governor Faubus who would take
from us even those freedoms we now enjoy. Your own exp
erience with Governor Faubus is proof enough that for-’
bearance and not eventual integration is the goal. the pro-
segregation leaders seek.
In my view, an unequivocal statement backed up by action
such as you demonstrated you could take last fall in deal-
MAY26 1958

For complete article please follow link above:

One dies before death, if one have no dreams

One dies before death, if one have no dreams
  • Dreams are our life!
  • Dreams are our curiosity to explore and research!
  • Dreams are our motivation to inventions and discoveries!
  • Dreams are our emotions!
  • Dreams are our creations!
  • Dreams are our hopes!
  • Dreams are our wishlist!
  • Dreams are our canvas of Reality!
  • Dreams are our landscape of thoughts!
  • Dreams are our Ability, our perseverance, our determination!
  • Dreams are our fuel to drive to our destination of success!
  • Dreams are our only companions through tough times!
  • Dreams are our Destiny of life!
  • Dreams are our source of inspirations!
  • Dreams are our best friends in solitude!
  • Dreams are our seeds of our plans, actions and achievements!
  • Dreams are our vision of our destination!
  • Dreams are our driving force through out the life!
  • Dreams are our property, our estate
  • Dreams are our capacity, our capability, our dedication
  • Dreams are our manager, our leader in life!
  • Dreams are our vehicle to reach Moon, Mars, planets and galaxies!
  • Dreams are our strength and our courage!
  • Dreams are our secret to others!
  • Dreams are our inside and invisible to others!
  • Dreams are our love for life, for others!
  • Dreams are our poetry when written or said!
  • Dreams are ought to be big! More Big! More Bigger!
  • Dreams are ought to live and never die!
  • One dies before death, if one has no dreams!
  • If you have lost dreams, try to revive them!
  • Without dreams you won't be even able to get up from bed!
  • Dreams can take you to any place, to any heart, which may be otherwise impossible to reach due to circumstances!
  • If you can reach there, nothing like that!
  • If you can't reach there, at least dream about it!
  • Chances are you can make it there!
  • Chances are you can make it a poem!
  • Chances are your beloved may read it!
  • Chances are your beloved may like it!
  • Chances are your beloved may come to see you in your dreams!
  • You may not be allowed to love someone!
  • You can love someone in your dreams!
  • Someone may not be allowed to love you!
  • Someone may love you in your dreams!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Destiny of poor factory workers in Bangladesh and Corporate Criminals

Accident Location
Death Toll
Nature of Accident
Cause of Accident
Major Buyer
May 9, 2013
Clothing Factory, near Dhaka
Fire in factory
Britain's Primark, and Inditex Group of Spain
April 24, 2013
5 Clothing Factories at Rana Plaza
Building Collapsed
Poor  material
American Companies
November 24, 2012
Tazreen Fashions

Drug use quiz

Drug use quiz! Check if you are in addiction or not?

Do not make your drug addiction your destiny!

Click below and check it for early intervention or medical help!


Friday, May 10, 2013

If you have hurt someone in your life knowingly or unknowingly, what is the best way to make it up!

I like to share a little further into this subject. It is true most relations or friendships break up when we hurt someone. And I am pretty at point pretty much everyone goes through this experience. Sometimes you may realize later that even though it was the fault of the other person you still feel guilty of yourself..

But what is the remedy to it. The person that was once your friend or partner might have gone too far. May be he/she might have totally forgotten about you. But here you are thinking about him/her. Perhaps as we grow up we start thinking about the past. It reminds us about good times and bad times. Good times always give us sense of happiness or make us smile. Whereas bad times tend to shake us or make us feel guilty. Because in past we were always less matured and today that maturity reminds us of that stupid mistakes we made. It is our new wisdom, which force us to go back and review the mistakes you made.

It is fine to realize the mistakes we made but the question is is there any possible way to fix that problem so that next time your wisdom does not remind you of those moments. There was a time when if you really want to express your self to someone, the best way was to go and see the person. That remains  true today as well. But a person to whom you want to see and express your feeling about that past incident, is not necessary has to be in front of you now a days.

So at least you have one less problem at hand. With the advent of new technology, it is very easy to find the person over the internet, which otherwise might be impossible in most cases, unless the person lives in the same city. So finding the person over the internet and communicating with him/her is way easy than in old time. It is like half the battle over once you find the contact.

Rest is up to us how sincere we are to express our feeling. And say you do decide to express your feelings for the mistake and you get the response back and your friend or partner tells you that there is no need to be sorry for that because I have already forget about it, but since you were so thoughtful of that, I really appreciate for that. That gives such a feeling of relief that only person who actually go through this experience can understand it.

On the other hand there are possibilities that person does not want to respond to you. Or you are having difficulty getting hold of that person. In that case your feeling and your efforts to communicate with the person may put you in different state of mind. You start thinking of some kind miracle to happen to help you connect with that person. But your soul is searching for the solution and until you have the answer you are constantly wondering about it or one day you may stop thinking about it and forget about it as a bad dream or you may think it was destined to happen like that and you can not change the destiny.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Learn how to be polite to others and how to smile and remain calm to criticism from others....Let's try it together

Learn how to be polite to others and how to smile and remain calm to criticism from others....Let's try it together and lets start on putting smiles back on those who have lost  hope, happiness and interest in life. Modern life is full of Bills, if not income. Everyone dreams about better days but getting there is not easy.

We always dreamed to be somebody one day after school or college but end up nobody. Every one likes to get peace of mind but pieces of mind are so such occupied in different pursuits of life that it can never be put together in one piece. Always thought about the dream partner but never dreamed about the partner we got..just kidding

Why life takes us to a direction which we don't like and why we can not go in a direction that what we like...But what direction is that what we like! As we go close to the end of our journey, things once very dear to us starts disappearing and dreams starts to fade.

Most give up and agrees to rest in peace forever, some continue to fight. If I do so much for my partner why I do not get the same in return! I thought you are always on my side, then why we are so apart from each other! Why I have been betrayed by someone whom I always trusted! Why people don't like me. Even my children and my partner! Why people don't understand me what I want! Why people don't agree with me! 
Why do they put me into pieces! My mind is everywhere and my heart is nowhere! What should I do? Where should I go?

You know what, that is destiny and If that is what going to happen anyway, then why should I care. Why should I be scared or broken? Why should run after those who want to go away from me? What is coming close to me is the reality of life. I may be losing trust in relations but I may be gaining real wisdom, wisdom of life...
But how about this, if nobody cares about me, I simply do not care! All I am going to do is to care about everyone. I know nobody trust me, but I am going to truth them. Nobody agrees with me but I am going to agree with them. Simply because life is once and I am going to give another try for my sake. I deserve happiness and peace. I am going to acquire it by making others smile regardless what they did to me.. they ignored me, dishearten me, disagreed with me, did not care about me.
But I am going to do it because I like it and I am doing for me. I am simply going to ignore their negative behavior towards me.I am doing it because I found the real treasure of richness in my heart. I AM DOING IT BECAUSE I REALIZED THAT I AM STRONG AND RICH AND I WANT TO HELP OTHER REALIZE THE SAME. 


After all I changed my thinking and my whole world has changed. I am happy, I am sharing, I am caring regardless of what others do to me. I am in peace with me. I am rich and content. I am at peace and all pieces of mind are sitting around me and listening to me with full interest. They are waiting for me to give them some job of sharing and caring. My heart is so content and calm that my heart and my head sits together and laugh together and jokes about the past. They both are friends now. They both are my companions and my friends. My heart is full of hope and my head is willing to pursue. forever..forever..forever