Showing posts with label one less problem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label one less problem. Show all posts

Friday, May 10, 2013

If you have hurt someone in your life knowingly or unknowingly, what is the best way to make it up!

I like to share a little further into this subject. It is true most relations or friendships break up when we hurt someone. And I am pretty at point pretty much everyone goes through this experience. Sometimes you may realize later that even though it was the fault of the other person you still feel guilty of yourself..

But what is the remedy to it. The person that was once your friend or partner might have gone too far. May be he/she might have totally forgotten about you. But here you are thinking about him/her. Perhaps as we grow up we start thinking about the past. It reminds us about good times and bad times. Good times always give us sense of happiness or make us smile. Whereas bad times tend to shake us or make us feel guilty. Because in past we were always less matured and today that maturity reminds us of that stupid mistakes we made. It is our new wisdom, which force us to go back and review the mistakes you made.

It is fine to realize the mistakes we made but the question is is there any possible way to fix that problem so that next time your wisdom does not remind you of those moments. There was a time when if you really want to express your self to someone, the best way was to go and see the person. That remains  true today as well. But a person to whom you want to see and express your feeling about that past incident, is not necessary has to be in front of you now a days.

So at least you have one less problem at hand. With the advent of new technology, it is very easy to find the person over the internet, which otherwise might be impossible in most cases, unless the person lives in the same city. So finding the person over the internet and communicating with him/her is way easy than in old time. It is like half the battle over once you find the contact.

Rest is up to us how sincere we are to express our feeling. And say you do decide to express your feelings for the mistake and you get the response back and your friend or partner tells you that there is no need to be sorry for that because I have already forget about it, but since you were so thoughtful of that, I really appreciate for that. That gives such a feeling of relief that only person who actually go through this experience can understand it.

On the other hand there are possibilities that person does not want to respond to you. Or you are having difficulty getting hold of that person. In that case your feeling and your efforts to communicate with the person may put you in different state of mind. You start thinking of some kind miracle to happen to help you connect with that person. But your soul is searching for the solution and until you have the answer you are constantly wondering about it or one day you may stop thinking about it and forget about it as a bad dream or you may think it was destined to happen like that and you can not change the destiny.