Showing posts with label True Knowledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label True Knowledge. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Motion and eMotion

Destiny of Love

Motion and eMotion

Motion means Machines
eMotion means Consciousness

Consciousness means Life
Life means Motion
Just a Satnam Singh Sidhu BC

Some evident things in world might have been observed and read by many human beings.

There are 4 directions, Day and Night, Sun and Moon, 360 degree for complete rotation to reach same point, 180 degree for complete opposite from is or total disagreement, birth and death, pain and hunger, rich and poor and so on.

One can take one step at a time unless one jumps. Nothing is stationary in universe. Nothing can be destroyed.

Why human being is in existence and why they differ from each other.; in appearance and in views.

Why human believes in Almighty power and why they don't. Is there any benefit to be religious and what are the disadvantages to be religious.

Which religion is the best? How were religious people different from others. Is earth and planets existed at random or it have source and system to sustain its existence.

Does might is right rule is still applicable in society or majority is right rule has taken over.

Does the mankind spread from Adam and Eve or there are other possibilities. Was it really their sin of sex that cursed them and rest of the humanity.

Does the man gets rewarded by God for his sacrifice for religion in heaven or elsewhere with beautiful gifts after his sacrificial death.

Does the woman has the right to equality with man. 

Are religious preachers and religious institutions helping the mankind to advance in positive direction or not.

Why human want to be leader of others and why others do not lead the leaders.

Does human being has choice to his/her actions and thoughts or not

Does God-Allah-Waheguru-Bhagwan is our supereme Master and are we at the mercy of His will.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Destiny of Love by Er. Satnam Singh Sidhu BC

Forgive, Forget and Let Go....... 

Is it easy for us to let go someone who hurt us the most?

Not without full torture on him/her in our mental movie of thoughts which sometimes play for rest of our life without any intermission!!!!!

Those of us who have courage to ask and make things clear, have good chances of forgiving others.

Those of us who don't have courage to confront, like to enjoy the mental movie of resentment and grudge for rest of their life. 

Those of us who have courage to ask and ability to put ourselves in others' shoes to understand their side of story, enable us to let go the negative feelings and embrace our friends close to our heart.

Life is short. Life is about love to others. Life is about sharing with friends.Life is like clay weblogs like water and hands like friends. Let friends feel your softness and care for them. Don't be like a hard rock or burning coal to your friends. 

Life has no meaning without friends. Don't be absorbed in status or material and force yourself to love others until it becomes your habit.

It hurts when we hurt our friends and defending ourself with false ego, makes friends further apart. 

Don't let it happen to you anymore. Our ego makes us apart. Our ego have no place in our heart and soul. 

Let's push or pull it out of our heart and mind before it is too late.

Love for everyone is a bliss and ego a curse. 

Ego make our lives miserable and others. Put efforts to love your friends by letting go any negative feelings and call every friend this summer right from childhood til now. 

Forgive any negative feelings and call anyone you have hard feelings for. 

It is hard to feel like that way but believe me push your ego to the side for a moment and call everyone you had negative feelings for whether you feel guilty of hurting others or otherd hurt you.

Don't say anything except: I am sorry that I stopped communicating with you because of my stupid feelings about that incident.

I simply called to apologize for that. I just want you to forgive me for my stupid feelings and thoughts about every thing. 

I like to be friends again with you for rest of my life.

I am very content with my life and my family and my work and all of my friends and I can not let my ego to further jeopardize our friendship.

I have realized that how important it is to be in peace and I can not attain it unless I get rid off all my negative feelings about my friends and my past.

I want peace in my life and I want all my friends to have peace. That is why I called you so that we both can let go that past misunderstandings and stupidity. 

Can I expect you to forgive me and be friends with me once again so that we can enjoy our friendship.

I was stupid enough to let my ego overpower me and destroy my real treasure of my friends on small issues.

No matter how hard you were on me and it was very painful for me to bear it and definitely it shattered my heart and my feelings and my future, but I failed to understand at that time that I was equally responsible for that incident by letting it go to that extent.

I don't want to blame you for anything and my apology is sincerely from bottom of my heart since I realized now that it was my ego that made me emotional and demanding which impaired my judgement and reasoning power. On one hand I was so concerned about it and yet I failed to listen to your side of story. 

I failed to understand the value of our friendship. I became very selfish and possessive in our friendship. My possession and my ego killed our friendship.

Now I have realized the real value of friendship and love by killing my possession and ego.

I am very content and peaceful after apologizing to you. I wish you best in your life and hope I did not hurt your feelings.

My ego is my biggest weakness and I am trying to get rid off it with the help of my old friends to whom I lost because of it.

I have realized the power of apology that kills our ego. When ego dies down, one gets free of negatives and always put efforts to build relationships free of selfish and possessive motives and strengthens long lasting loving, caring and sharing relations with friends and mankind.

It was only possibe after self-realization of own weaknesses and strengths. Once we know our weaknesses only then we can take action against it. We all dream to be heroes and our strengths endorse it but our weaknesses sometimes makes us villain instead.

Our biggest weakness is ego
Second biggest is lust for materialism
Third biggest is ignorance to our weaknesses

Our biggest desire is peace through love
Our second biggest desire is success through honesty
Our third biggest desire is to overcome our weaknesses.

Majority of us die with our desires and only minority of us fulfill our desires.

Only true knowledge from true teacher empower us to self-realization, of desires and deficiencies, which enable us to understand clearly our strengths and weaknesses. A true desire only drive us to push or pull out our weaknesses to fulfill our desires without any problem during our lifetime.

Those who want to be in peace through love successfully need to explore the true knowledge without getting trapped into unnecessary rituals and traditions.

There is no shortage of people who desire to be peaceful through love successfully but;
Unfortunately majority people who seek of peace through love either get trapped into false knowledge or false love. 

Rest is trapped in materialism anyway and they have no real desire to be peaceful, loveable and successful yet they pretend to be.