Showing posts with label Fearlessness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fearlessness. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Motion and eMotion

Destiny of Love

Motion and eMotion

Motion means Machines
eMotion means Consciousness

Consciousness means Life
Life means Motion
Just a Satnam Singh Sidhu BC

Some evident things in world might have been observed and read by many human beings.

There are 4 directions, Day and Night, Sun and Moon, 360 degree for complete rotation to reach same point, 180 degree for complete opposite from is or total disagreement, birth and death, pain and hunger, rich and poor and so on.

One can take one step at a time unless one jumps. Nothing is stationary in universe. Nothing can be destroyed.

Why human being is in existence and why they differ from each other.; in appearance and in views.

Why human believes in Almighty power and why they don't. Is there any benefit to be religious and what are the disadvantages to be religious.

Which religion is the best? How were religious people different from others. Is earth and planets existed at random or it have source and system to sustain its existence.

Does might is right rule is still applicable in society or majority is right rule has taken over.

Does the mankind spread from Adam and Eve or there are other possibilities. Was it really their sin of sex that cursed them and rest of the humanity.

Does the man gets rewarded by God for his sacrifice for religion in heaven or elsewhere with beautiful gifts after his sacrificial death.

Does the woman has the right to equality with man. 

Are religious preachers and religious institutions helping the mankind to advance in positive direction or not.

Why human want to be leader of others and why others do not lead the leaders.

Does human being has choice to his/her actions and thoughts or not

Does God-Allah-Waheguru-Bhagwan is our supereme Master and are we at the mercy of His will.