Showing posts with label Destiny of Poor and Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Destiny of Poor and Love. Show all posts

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Biggest Mistake of Mankind

Biggest Mistake of Mind

Taking PRIVILEGE as RIGHT. All claims of mankind on each other arise out of this psyche.

Each individual is born as free as God. Yet we attempt and excercise every action which enable us to control others as our basic or earned right. We as individual spend less time thinking and acting to control ourselves and spend most time to think and act to control others.

Our life goes in vain by finding ways and applying way to control others as parent, friend, partner, spouse, group leader, family head and acquiring and storing wealth, fame, property, land and intellectual property.

Our mind during lifetime as human hardly relax and sit back to think and act to control ourselves. As a human as we know "to err is human", hardly look inside our mental world which is bigger than universe limits, has more power and wealth in outside world.

Why? We don't do that? It is the way we live! It is the way we conceive, sense, think, plan, act and move. We are taught this way. We are taught in groups and classes. We simply know to defend our rights and protect our rights of self freedom.

We never are taught about our vulnarabilities and our short comings. As a result in some countries human beings are suffering from poverty, lack of basic needs of clean water, fresh air, nutritional food, medicine, care like Somalia, some parts of India, Bangladesh, Russia and similar countries. Western countries which acquired wealth by invading other countries with the help of advance technology and engineering and considered so called modern are suffering from lack of family values and resulting in isolation in old age and lack of support of family during tough times. Joint family concept suffers from poverty and social restraints and nuclear family concept suffers from lack of support and isolation. Both systems worldwide failed. Capitalism seems winning over communism. But communism failed as overall except governments and capitalism is failing in their workforce welfare.

Employees all over the world are getting more and more stressed, sleep deprived, less family time, more commuting time, vulnerable to working environment and conditions, lesser income compared to cost of living without any support or escape.

Politics is failing democratically whether it is pro labour, pro business or balanced. Politics is equally failing in communism to defend basic rights of human workforce. Imperialism is almost diminished from Earth and Democracy is taking over but with no or little hope to protect poor and workforce.

Poor is becoming poor and rich is becoming richer. Public is crying worldwide for lack of income and resources and for increase in pollution and contamination of environment and earth.

It might seems pessimistic approach. Ok no problem I accept it but show me positive hope anywhere in the world where human being is getting more happier, healthier, relaxed and richer by working for others.

Cost of living, health and especially education is becoming increasing high. Finding employer of choice and job of happiness is next impossible because education and employability is not suiting to dreams and at least plans of public.

Businessmen try to cut every corner to increase profit and hide from workforce and government agencies. Investors are demanding more from businesses and governments in return. Inefficient Governments keep on throwing more and more tax burdens on public. Big corporations keep on minting money from public by having monopolies or technological edges. Public keep on dreaming for good days which never materialise in their lifetime.

So what is the solution to this never ending vicious cycle of poverty and unhappiness and stress and lack of resources and high cost of living.

On one hand people can't dream of buying single family homes worldwide in or near any cities in the world. Now they are forced to live in town houses, apartments which are shrinking in sizes like Hongkong.

Shame on democracy. It failed to serve and protect its citizens. To see live scene of such democracy simply go to Vancoucer downtown on hastings. You will find the answers. Everyday new people are joining their homeless and hopeless club and parents and friends find them helpless to bring them back to normal life and end up in visiting them on hasting streets when they are find themselves without visiting them. Are they all addicts and helpless? One can only find if one can go there and talk to them in depth with empathy. They may still be alive and hopeful but not in present setup of democracy where government, law, judiciary, teachers, families, neughbours find it difficult to support them unconditionally. Such Hasting streets are available in modern world in every city of world. How about majority of citizens who are not on hasting and struggling either by hiding from loved ones or neighbours or society. Afterall human beings have dignity and human never opt for begging and homelessness till the last resource is exhausted. Who addicted them? Why they got addicted? Who supported them in family, neighbourhood and society? Who treated them with empathy and hope? How are their next day look like? Same as yesterday! Shame on us! Shame on government! Shame on law, judiciary and support agencies!

God bless poor and future more poorers.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Why my body does not respond to the changes quick enough

Why my body does not respond quick enough to changes I apply?

Whether it is diet change for few weeks or
Whether it is lifestyle change for few weeks like excercise

Why body does not respond quick enough to changes I apply?

There might be something else which is required to change or there might be more time required to bring changes in body?

What else I need to know so that I could apply my mind to bring changes to my body in a persistent manners?

Is there something else I need to apply to bring changes which I am missing completely?

Is it physical efforts change, diet change, weather condition change, sleep pattern change, mind set change, lifestyle change or all together something else?

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

I am wrong but right

I am wrong in my desires but right in my expressions.

What is right and what is wring, it is hard to express.

But everyone who love you deserve to be loved!

Friday, November 17, 2017



It is a one of the best way to express the feelings.

For some it is fruitful and rewarding. For some it might be most harmful and unfortunate.

It is destiny of poor or rich which decides what it hold for you.

Yet disclosure clears doubts and confusions on time and teach person to chose the right choice in life.



It has special place in life. Place and position in family and society are very crucial and important in life.

When time is right a person can touch the skies. When time is wrong a person can fell flat on ground.

Time is very important aspect of life. Most of time people disagree with this argument until they face such time which teach person a real meaning of life no matter how experienced a person might be.

There is no reason for me to prove it. Because it is proven time and again. It is upto you whether you want to learn hard way or like to learn before your own real experience.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Love Hate Formula

Destiny of POOR and LOVE by Satnam Singh Sidhu BC

Love: Love Kills Hate: (LkH)
A natural most powerful positive force to keep THINGS moving in our mind-body-Actions for ages
Hate: Hate Kills Love: (HkL)
A natural most powerful negative force to keep THINGS stuck in our mind-body-Actions for ages
Learn to Love (LtL) and Choice of Love will get you going in your mind-body-Actions to peaceful places
Learn to Hate (LtH) and Choice of Hate will  get you going in your mind-body-Actions to insane places
Choice of Love (CoL) expands capacity to Listen-Learn-Understand which leads to least Differences
Choice of Hate (CoH) shrinks capacity to Listen-Learn-Understand which Leads to most Differences
Love blossoms into More Love (LbL) and Spread More Lovely Fragrance
Hate blossoms into More Hate (HbH) and Spread More Hatred Foul  Smell

Thursday, April 18, 2013


What exactly it is?

Is it something to accept once some incident already happened with us!
or it is something we can change before  it happens!

Since we can not see our future until it changes into present there is no real yardstick to measure
it, to analyse it or to compare it with predictions!

Some says it was destined to happen and nobody can change! Of course anything that already happened
is a thing of past, may be by a fraction of second. But that becomes historical which could be measured
and recorded with evidence for future reference.

Some says I can change my destiny! Now future is something we can predict or anticipate but not for sure!
So if someone says I can change my destiny! Really he/she is setting some goals and work hard to achieve
it. May be a resolution for the new year or changing career from employment to business. Really we are talking about a change in condition from one point of time to another. In other words we are talking about what we are today and what we would like to be tomorrow. We might overachieve or underachieve at that future date.

But destiny is what really going to happen to someone regardless of his/her plans to change or remain
same. Destiny is unchangeable because it is net result of all changes, adjustments and achievements of the life.