Thursday, April 18, 2013


What exactly it is?

Is it something to accept once some incident already happened with us!
or it is something we can change before  it happens!

Since we can not see our future until it changes into present there is no real yardstick to measure
it, to analyse it or to compare it with predictions!

Some says it was destined to happen and nobody can change! Of course anything that already happened
is a thing of past, may be by a fraction of second. But that becomes historical which could be measured
and recorded with evidence for future reference.

Some says I can change my destiny! Now future is something we can predict or anticipate but not for sure!
So if someone says I can change my destiny! Really he/she is setting some goals and work hard to achieve
it. May be a resolution for the new year or changing career from employment to business. Really we are talking about a change in condition from one point of time to another. In other words we are talking about what we are today and what we would like to be tomorrow. We might overachieve or underachieve at that future date.

But destiny is what really going to happen to someone regardless of his/her plans to change or remain
same. Destiny is unchangeable because it is net result of all changes, adjustments and achievements of the life.

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