Tuesday, September 24, 2013

When no hope is left and you still get it!

When no hope is left and you still get it! Satnam Singh Sidhu BC

A time comes in life when you feel alone and you have a strong feeling that nobody is on your side. No body care about you and no one want to listen to you.

During this time you ask your new friends about your dilemma and they tell you what to do just based on what they know about you and what is their experience in that field.

But sometimes you get an answer which may astound you. You might have never seen yourself from that prospective.

I shared my feelings with a new colleague which is becoming my new friend. I asked her that I am very sad inside now a days and I really don't know why? Another colleague entered the conversation and showed his interest in the topic. He also asked me why I feel like that?

I get caught in a situation where I was really expecting an answer to that question from her and later from him. Instead they asked me to share why I feel like so?

I said I really want the answer from you guys and that is the reason I shared my feelings with you. My friend said that I must be hiding some sinful thinking otherwise I should be able to share my feelings with them.

I was astound from their observation about me and my feelings. I never got such a comment about myself in whole life.

It may be true that I might a person of that caliber who is committing sins in his life without acknowledging the sins. But on the other hand I think since my new friend hardly knows about me and my past life, she may wrong in her opinion about me.

But I never dared to talk to her about this matter after this. It is more than a week and I am still wandering about myself. Who I am? What she said is true or not!

I don't want to engage her in this topic deliberately because chances are she may realize what she said and may change her opinion simply to comfort me.

But question arises apart from that what is sin and what is not? Is there a straight answer to this or it is relative to a situation?

This is my new topic of search. What is SIN?

I asked many of my colleagues in last week and I got various vague answers to it. In past couple weeks I found myself in a situation where I got upset with my manager for not getting me enough help from the service department. He politely asked me to slow down and do every thing you can by yourself. Because know body can help me in that situation. Even he asked me to go home if I can not handle the situation. I told my manager that I don't think there is any need to go home for myself and if someone really have to go home then support staff should go home and not me.

Few days later one of my colleague got upset with me and blamed me for interference to his work. He did not stop there and further blamed that I interfere in every body's job and nobody likes me here.

Even though first part was understandable and I knew why he was upset because another colleague shared his sale to half. But later comment is bothering me now.

Is he really right in his opinion. Am I really a man of inconvenience to others. Am I bothering others during the work hours.

So far two things are on my agenda now. Am I sinful and am I inconvenient to others at work.
I really don't know and I want to find a way to resolve the issue. Why? Because I can not live in peace if I ever feel I am bothering anyone without reason.

How I am going to find the answer, I don't know. I hope someone may suggest me something.

By the way during the same week I have found some hope in my old friends. I found one of my friend through internet after 26 years. Also I found a group of people who wanted to help some needy students and I am part of it and some of my old friend initiating a project on my request to form a trust fund so that we can continue helping needy students in future as well.

I have got some comfort out of it. I have seen some hope to my feelings through my old friends and yet I am seeking help from my new friends.............

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