Monday, November 4, 2013

Destiny of India and Seeta Mata by Satnam Singh Sidhu BC

Destiny of India and Seeta Mata by Satnam Singh Sidhu BC

Destiny of India is nothing more than the destiny of Indians. There are few other names that are used by Indians which are regional in nature. Like Hindustani is mainly used by people of Indian provinces which are Hindi spoken. Likewise Desh Punjab is used mainly by Northern Indians especially Punjabi speaking Indians. Likewise there are so many regional names used by people for their own convenience.

Some people regret their decision to be part of India after independence. People of India are lacking nationalism due to various reasons. Mainly due to language barrier, cultural barrier and religious barriers. National politicians are main culprits for keeping these barriers or gap wide open for their own political gains.

One big card they always played since independence is of language barrier. They branded Hindi speaking regions as Hindustani and created cultural hate against non-Hindi speaking regions and people. They portrait Hindi as national language and non-Hindi languages as anti national. Southern Indian who do not accept Hindi as their national language because they love their own regional languages creates a big gap between Southern India and rest of India. Far east regions like Assam, Bengal also have their own languages and don't feel the need of Hindi as national language. In northern India, people of Punjab did not accept Hindi as national language either. Everyone knows what happened in Punjab in 1984 which was visible to every ordinary person. Even though the leaders of Punjab always blamed Indian Government since independence for keeping a unfavorable attitude towards people of Punjab. Not only that people of Punjab were tried to be separated based on language and religion. Punjabi speaking Hindus were conspired by national parties to mention Hindi as their mother tongue during national census.

Second card they play time to time is card of religion. As majority people are Hindi speaking in eastern, central and western India and these regions amounts to majority of Indian population which in turn amounts to majority of MP in Indian parliament. So politicians branded these regional people as Hindustani even though a big chunk of this regional population are Muslim. This very name gives Muslim Indians as second class citizen feeling being called Hindustani.

Congress strategically used Cow as their national symbol. This automatically created rift between Hindus and Muslims. Congress portrayed cow as national symbol and a sacred animal. Hindu portray Cow as Mother. On other hand Muslims use cow for food. Cow meat is considered delicious not only by Muslims but also by western countries.

Cow slaughter was not banned in the hay days of the Indus valley civilization and early vedic periods.Banning of cow slaughter was chiefly due to economic reasons.Emperor Ashoka banned it, to prevent quality bulls from being killed for food during famine.It was later made a part of Hindu custom and people started blindly opposing cow slaughter.In our country thousands of people are dying , because of 
hunger and thirst.If slaughtering a cow can save money for a poor farmer and add to his meager income , then , why can't we allow cow slaughter?. 
from:  arun

Posted on: May 15, 2013 at 09:10 IST

Religion and language are used as main cards by Indian political parties to attract the voters towards them. Congress went further one step within the Hindu voters. They used reservation as the main card within Hindu voters and attracted the majority Hindu voters by providing them reservation in educational institutions and in employment. The worker class of Hindu population, the so called 4th class or untouchables, got some social uplift under the reservation policies of Indian government. It is not that they were given social acceptance by high caste Congressmen of India, but they were used by a handful of Hindu elite class to make them their permanent political vote bank for congress. The other Hindu elite class did not like their idea. They opposed congress at every step. But it was possible for them to win in this game. Because the majority voters in India are lower Hindu class named as Schedule Caste SC or Backward Class BC. SC and BC voters out numbers Hindu elite voters. This is the very reason opposition never remain in power for very long. Their one time success against Congress was solely because of their open discrimination agenda against Muslim community. They fetch majority in the name of building a Lord Ram Mandir in Ayodhya by demolishing Muslim Babri Mosque.

Controverisal billboardWhat ever the situation India is right now, the politicians are purely responsible for it. Rather than building a united India where people of all cultures, religions, faiths and languages could have lived together and unitedly worked hard to build a Indian community reflecting cultural diversity and tolerance and respect for each other, it ended in shattering the idea of national unity. Muslims feels degraded and disrespected in India. Sikhs and Hindus of Punjab feels the pain of state oppression by Indian defense forces, by the interference of Pakistani intelligence agency ISI, Central politicians.

Even though the Card of Hinduism was played by Indian Politicians at that time and people of Punjab were punished to death, shot to death, burned to death, tortured to death, raped to death, humiliated in front of families and were jailed for life imprisonment at hidden spots. Till date families are missing their family members and they have no clue whether they were gunned down or are still behind bars somewhere in India. Till date no politician of India dare to talk about this issue in Indian parliament and no one dared to have a fair independent inquiry and punish the politicians who were behind this whole conspiracy.

Indian law have completely failed to address the issue of Punjab genocide in which Hindus and Sikhs were tortured to death. Survivors lived a life under terror and constant fear without any law and order. Even law and order personal and their families suffered major loss in Punjab.

When did this conspiracy started? Where did this was planned? Who were involved in it? Where did Indian Defense forces practiced their attack plan? Which agencies were responsible for killing our Hindu brothers and sisters? Which agencies were used to train forces as terrorists who were used to destroy the families of Punjab and who were corrupt officers who used their own criminal groups to intimidate people of Punjab and robbed every single penny from poor villagers in the name of terrorism?

As it is very clear to Hindu religious leaders and ordinary citizens of India that neither political parties (Congress and BJP) are sincere to get them the justice. The birthplace of Lord Ram is still under dispute forever. Both parties have played with the sentiments of Indian people. Whether it is Hindu or Muslim; Budh or Sikh; Christen or Jain.

Sikhs are awaiting justice since 1984 for Indian Defense Forces invasion on Sikh Shrines all across India and Punjab and genocide of people of Punjab.

Hindus are awaiting justice since 1992 for possession of Lord Ram's birth place. People light candles in Gauhati, India, to mark the verdict.
Muslims are awaiting justice in Gujarat since 2002.

Women of India is awaiting justice since Mata Seeta's kidnapping by Ravana. Mata Seeta was rescued by Lord Rama and his followers. But no Ram is coming forward to rescue Indian women (Bhartiye Nari) from Indian Ravanas who beat her to death for dowry, who rape her, who give her no identity.

Poor of India is awaiting freedom from pain of hunger. India need nothing from outside to finish poverty. All it need is to kill corruption.

There is no need to fight against corrupt leaders.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. PTISimply plan for coming elections and chose honest and simple leaders like Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. People complain that he is a weak PM, but don't judge him from his silence, judge him from his planning and execution of policies. He alone can not do anything about corrupt politicians in parliament, but he is trying to do what he can. If he speaks honestly then almost whole parliament would be against him. Because majority is corrupt and few honest parliamentarians won't have guts, like us, to support him. Don't blame a honest man, if you really want to listen to such a person, then give him a honest parliament force by electing honest MPs.
It seems as if most Indians are inheriting the spirit of Ravana. No body want to become Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Guru Nanak, Guru Gobind Singh.

I know everyone is busy in their own career and their family. No one has time to fix social fabric of India. Just imagine if Mahatma Gandhi, Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sahdev, Shaheed Kartar Singh Sarabha and all freedom fighters of India (including Hindu, Muslim, Sikhs and All) would have said the same thing, where would you have been standing today.
Anna Hazare took a great initiative but people like you never bothered supporting him. It is very easy, as it is for me to write, to support through facebook or e-mails but real freedom asks lot more than this.  

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