Showing posts with label colors of light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label colors of light. Show all posts

Friday, June 3, 2016

Opened Eyes

Opened Eyes

As long as eyes are opened,  the world is alive for me. When my eyes would close one day the world will due for me.

I am not sure whether world will die or I will!

If reincarnation is the truth of life and soul never dies then I am immortal forever except that I live and die and keep changing bodies from sea to sky.

If Sun may dies then my eyes see night unless my eyes have lights.

My life is a joke because I take it as a joke perhaps that's the reason my jokes make me cry.

My life would be of what color if my eyes refuse to light! Yet eyes are nothing but sense of blue sky full of beautiful rainbow of seven colors of light.

What we see might not be seen the same to other species. But who knows they might see better than our eyes.

My eyes are not honest to my mind because when I see a green then I am curious what happens to rest of six colors of light.

Light is clever to my eyes because it shows it only one of the seven colors of lights. Rest it hides from my eyes. Very clever.

Is this is true and known to my mind then why mInd deceive my eyes. Why myself deceive to myself. Perhaps this is the truth of life to deceive the reception of conception.

Let it go and let it be. Why I care if simply I close my eyes. And why I care if I simply close my eyes.