Wednesday, March 4, 2015

University of Sikhism: Quiz#SSGGS0664-01 : Naanak Naam Milai Manh Maaneaa...

University of Sikhism: Quiz#SSGGS0664-01 : Naanak Naam Milai Manh Maaneaa...: Quiz#SSGGS0664-01 This following Shabadh is from Sahib Sri Guru Granth Sahib on page 664 in 1st line. { Naanak Naam Milai                ... Trans Canada Auto Works - Serving since 2003 in Surrey BC - For Best Used Cars in Surrey BC - No Down payment - No Credit - No Problem

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Love Hate Formula

Destiny of POOR and LOVE by Satnam Singh Sidhu BC

Love: Love Kills Hate: (LkH)
A natural most powerful positive force to keep THINGS moving in our mind-body-Actions for ages
Hate: Hate Kills Love: (HkL)
A natural most powerful negative force to keep THINGS stuck in our mind-body-Actions for ages
Learn to Love (LtL) and Choice of Love will get you going in your mind-body-Actions to peaceful places
Learn to Hate (LtH) and Choice of Hate will  get you going in your mind-body-Actions to insane places
Choice of Love (CoL) expands capacity to Listen-Learn-Understand which leads to least Differences
Choice of Hate (CoH) shrinks capacity to Listen-Learn-Understand which Leads to most Differences
Love blossoms into More Love (LbL) and Spread More Lovely Fragrance
Hate blossoms into More Hate (HbH) and Spread More Hatred Foul  Smell

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Destiny of Delhi

Destiny of Delhi


Salute to.AAP and voters of Delhi.
Congress is ashamed
BJP is amazed
AAP is Praised
Hopes are Raised
Corruption is killed
Inflation is drilled
Crooks are chilled
Voters are thrilled

Lets have LOKPAL ready to bill!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Dundio Dundee

Raahee Dundio Dundi

Jatt Mandio Mandi

Chuglee Kannio Kanni

Jatt Bunnio Bunni

Jatt Whato Whati

Rich  Paissio Paissy        

Amliee Mastio Masty