Showing posts with label Sikhism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sikhism. Show all posts

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Religion! Is it really needed?

Destiny of Love

Religion! Is it really needed?

Religion! Is it really needed
Religion! Is it really real need of human-beings
Religion! Is it free from stereotyping
Religion! Is it a tool to scare people by preachers and promoters
Religion! Are these friendly with each other

Religion! Is it for others to follow
Religion! or is it for me and you
Religion! Is it to promote superiority
Religion! Is it to promote humbleness
Religion! How do you believe it

Religion! Is it about getting better than others
Religion! or it about getting better person
Religion! Is it about conquering other religions
Religion! Is it about God and son
Religion! or is it about God and Goodness

Religion! Is it about rituals and curses
Religion! Is it about My way or High way
Religion! Is it about meeting God in heaven
Religion! Is it about rewards of beauty in heaven
Religion! Is it about beauty in heaven or in heart

Religion! Is it about bragging I am best Mine is best
Religion! Is it about understanding Mind Matter Motion
Religion! Is it about understanding Universe and its system
Religion! Is it about understanding of human traits and virtues
Religion! Is it about clear understanding or blind faith

Religion! Is it subject of Psychology
Religion! Is it subject of Sociology
Religion! Is it subject of Political science
Religion! Is it subject of Social science
Religion! Is it subject of Criminology
Religion! Is it subject of Totality Reality Ideology
Religion! Is it subject of Astrology Astronomy
Religion! Is it subject of Legality Morality
Religion! Is it subject of Literature
Religion! Is it subject of Science
Religion! Is it subject of Doctors Engineers
Religion! Is it subject of a subject
Religion! Is it subject to Humanity Humility

Religion! Is it subject of boredom
Religion! Is it subject of preachers not practicing
Religion! Is it subject of hatred to others
Religion! Is it subject of hatred to those who don't practice
Religion! Is it subject of punishment to those who don't bother religion
Religion! Is it subject of punishment to women by men for her behavior
Religion! Is it subject of reservations and restrictions
Religion! Is it subject of self analysis of behavior and attitude
Religion! Isn't it subject of Learning and Understanding Humanity and Humility
Religion! and most importantly practicing in daily life all the time

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Sikhism & Hinduism: Similarities and Differences

Destiny of poor is to work for money to support family. Destiny of people, success or struggle is dependent on education, good or bad choices & luck! Destiny of woman is no different!

Sikhism & Hinduism: Similarities and Differences

April 19, 2014 by Er. Satnam Singh Sidhu BC

Every religion on this earth has one common purpose. To establish link with The True Master and His creativity through self-analysis with the help of True Religious Guide known as Lord/Guru/Prophet.

Love to humanity is the main ingredient of every religion. The definition of God by every religion might differ to some extent. Certainly the practice of religions is highly dependent on core religious values and culture and literacy level of followers.

The interpretation of same religion by preachers might differ as well. Some preachers stick to the fundamental religious practices and some advocate changes time to time.

Reform to religious practices are quite common in every religion. It is highly debatable as well. This creates tension and differences between followers within same religion.

Preachers preaches different ways. There are two predominant practices of preaching. First is based on core religious philosophy and practices. Second is comparing to other religions' philosophies and practices.

Unfortunately, I have witnessed a third type of practice, which is quite common in every religion, of criticizing other religions to prove the merits of their own religions. 

Religion is not a subject of criticism and comparison to let down others.

The common target of every religion is to kill arrogance of followers through self-analysis and practice of religious principles and foster atmosphere of love to mankind. 

Thus, a follower who love God, must love the mankind as well. Anyone who have time to criticize others might waste his/her time in vain without progressing further on the path of humility.

Lets focus on core religious principles and practices to uplift our attitude and behavior towards our self first and then towards others.

As Guru Nanak said that if we realize the Will and System of The True Master only then the arrogance will disappear from our minds with the blessings of a True Guru. 

To be continued...

Friday, February 28, 2014

What religion you like most or none

The-Destiny-of-Poor! Destiny-of-Woman! Destiny-of-People!


I like to share a little quiz for readers views:

Q1:  If you are not born in a religious family and say you are not exposed to any faith, which faith would most intrigue you:

A    Budhism     B    Christianity      C    Hinduism     D   Judaism E    Islam           F    Sikhism           G    Other           H   None

Q2: If you choose None, then what is the reason:

A    Religions are confusing and complex
B    Religions have rituals and constraints
C    Religions real purpose is manipulative
D    Religions conflict with each others
E     Religions are for poor only
F     Religions are for people in mess
G    Religious community is judgmental
H    I don't care 
I     All above are true

Q3:  If choose one of the religion above: Why?

A    It is most advance religion
B    It is most popular religion
C    It is most rewarding religion
D    It inspires me
E    It connects me internally
F    It empowers me
G    It is peaceful to me
H    It teaches universal love
I     It does not judge other faiths
J    It is better than other religions
K   It is more organized religion
L    I don't know
M   I asked my friends
N   I asked my parents

Q4: If you chosen Other: What is the name of faith


Q5: Which religion is most respectful to women:

Please use same option of Q1

Q5: Which country have most respect for women:
A   Canada
C   Brasil
D   England
E   Australia
F    India
G   Iraq
F    Saudi Arab
G   Pakistan
H   China
I    Japan
J   Other

Best of Luck! Don't be shy! Express yourself!