Showing posts with label Past is destiny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Past is destiny. Show all posts

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Are we destined to be poor

Are we destined to be poor! Satnam Singh Sidhu BC

Yes and No

Yes, if we feel that way

No, if we ever think that I want to change it and I will.

We are master of our destiny. We can change it. But it is not easy. That is why, initially it might be possible that every body might think that they can change their destiny. But changing destiny is like climbing a hill.
Most people take some initial steps to climb a little, some may reach half way and few may reach close to the top, but very few reach the top.
Same is true to change destiny. I mean to become successful in reaching one's goals or targets. What ever it may be.
Toughest is to reach at top of hill of happiness.
Worldly achievements are also hard to achieve, yet with strong determination, hard work and guidance, one could achieve it.

But even those who reach the top of success, fails to achieve top of happiness.

Perhaps the path to worldly successes is straight forward and visible but path to happiness is not straight forward and invisible.

To be continued.......Dec 08 2013

There are two toughest things in this world to achieve:
    A.  Worldly Success
    B.  Divine Happiness

Worldly success leads to self confidence and happiness.
Divine happiness leads to self contentment and tranquillity.

What is happiness, self contentment, confidence, Tranquillity......

It all relates to our state of mind. Our thoughts, actions, feelings and emotions controls are state of mind.

Thoughts, feelings and emotions are very close knit. Actions are dependents upon the above three..

To be continued........

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Past is Destiny Future is Changeable only if we act in present

What happened is past regardless of ones efforts and hard work was destined to there is only one way to be happened...Future is unknown and can be changed in a positive direction provided we remain optimistic and put our best efforts now (present) to change it in a positive direction ...Once it happened according to our expectations or not, it was destined to happened and there is no point to be disappointed about it...why..because we still have future to make a positive change in our life.... Satnam Singh Sidhu BC