Showing posts with label Destiny of Canada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Destiny of Canada. Show all posts

Monday, November 25, 2013

Our Mind and Our Surrounding!

Our Mind and Surrounding:

Satnam Singh Sidhu BC

Published on: Nov 25, 2013

Our Mind and Our Surrounding (Environment) are two single most powerful influences on our personality.

All changes happen in ourselves through self learning and self realisation are outcome of one's mind.

All changes happen in ourselves through religious preachings and practices, political, social and cultural values and changes are outcome of our Surroundings.

In other words, Inner changes and Outer Changes are equally important in shaping our Thoughts and Actions which in turn shapes our Personality.

If your own mindset contradicts with the Surrounding, that results in differences and revolutions.

If your own mindset gets in accord with Surrounding, that results in harmonious society without differences and discriminations.

Our Mind and Surrounding shapes us individually and collectively shapes our society, nation and world.

Revision 1: April 04, 2014

Some societies are multicultural and some aren't. But majority countries have at least one majority community in it which has the responsibility at large to shape the overall community. Canada and India are two prime examples of multicultural societies.

Language, Religion, Culture have direct impact on human psychology. Where as in modern society language is the biggest barrier to understand and communicate across borders and across communities and within community. Ones' ability to hold a particular public portfolio or responsibility is main established based on ones' ability to professional level of communication across communities and capability to perform jobs at professional level with the help of required prerequisite of that particular job.

So cross-cultural communication and prerequisite of academic level are paramount factors to qualify for any particular job. Simply labor related jobs where limited communication skills and minimum education could prevail are almost extinct from the modern era of information age.

In Canada official languages are English and French and in India official language is Hindi but overall English has taken over Hindi at least in Universities, Colleges and even schools. Rural India may be still Hindi spoken in majority but there are so many provincial (state) level official languages that it is not advisable to enforce Hindi as a working language. 

So India after independence went through lot of ups and downs based on linguistics and lost lot of time and energy which hampered the progress of country compared to rest of world. After 1995 the computer revolutionized the information highway and majority countries did not bother to fight over language. As a result every country and state still have their own mother-language but inter-nationally English has taken the lead over all other languages.

So every community, state (province) and country across world has united at least under one language and that is English. India still take pride in keeping its mother-tongue as Hindi and majority states take pride in there our regional or state level mother-languages but for academics, inter-state affairs, business communication and inter-national affairs English has been accepted as a official or working language in India and since every province have their mother-tongue and they don't like to be enforced for Hindi as working and official language, the alternative is English which has been accepted by India silently without any much opposition. Hindi predominant states sometimes try to get support from public to save Hindi as official and working language and same with regional languages but as of today, it has failed. People of India have realized that in order to compete for jobs in labor market whether it is regional, national or inter-national, only English is prerequisite. As a matter of fact people who are multilingual are preferred over monolingual.