Saturday, November 23, 2013

Biggest Mistakes

Biggest mistakes at night is not dreaming while sleeping

Biggest mistakes during daytime is day dreaming

Biggest mistake at work is making same mistake time and again

Biggest mistake in life is wasting time in criticising others mistakes

Biggest mistake is thinking I am the best

Biggest mistake is not listening before  answering

Biggest mistake is breaking promises

Biggest mistake is pledging without knowing

Biggest mistake is trusting a stranger

Biggest mistake is not helping a stranger or needy person

Biggest mistake is not disciplining a child

Biggest mistake is intimidating a child

Biggest mistake is disciplining a young adult

Biggest mistake is feeling jealous of others

Biggest mistake is covering children mistakes

Biggest mistake is thinking of self

Biggest mistake is ignoring the inner feelings

Biggest mistake is not accepting others

Biggest mistake is giving up hope

Biggest mistake is under estimating others

Biggest mistake is not smiling always

Biggest mistakes is keep talking

Biggest mistake is not being humble

Biggest mistake is mistaking self ability

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