Sunday, October 12, 2014


Mission Winery

Mission Winery in Kelowna is a world renowned winery.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Sheshnag! Multi head Snakes are they real or prank!

Destiny of POOR and LOVE by Satnam Singh Sidhu

SHESHNAG HiStory News #1: Sep 29, 2014

SHESHNAG HiStory News #2: Oct 01, 2014


I was doing general search on Sheshnag and I come across the above heading. When I clicked the link and then I saw a video of clouds in sky which is imagined as Goddess Padmavati and Sheshnag in Sky.

I observed the traffic on my blog yesterday and I was amazed by the result. There were two communities who looked at Sheshnag in my blog. One was India and other was Spain. Indian views were 12 and amazingly Spain views were 17. Isn't it amazing. Do your research! Or come back to see what is the relation between the two from our point of view.

I am just wondering what is the co-relation between two communities! May be not much in present but may be from past history! Check it out!

You may search in Google for link or copy link below to watch the video by yourself to conclude your imagination.

Give it a shot!

Did you see your imagination? 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Midway Mazda in Surrey Auto Mall by Satnam Singh Sidhu

Destiny of POOR and LOVE by Satnam Singh Sidhu BC

Midway Mazda in Surrey Auto Mall by Satnam Singh Sidhu

Mazda MX-5 at Midway Mazda in Surrey Auto Mall by Satnam Singh Sidhu

Midway  Mazda - Auto Mall Surrey - Mazda 3 - Satnam Singh Sidhu BC

Why every political party in India divide Indian people based on religion, language, caste etc ?

Destiny of POOR and LOVE by Satnam Singh Sidhu BC

Question: Why every political party in India divide Indian people based  on religion, language, caste etc ?

Answer: Because political pundits of each parties know how to keep Indians confused and entangled in these issues so that they never ask politicians about:

Their performance
Their results
Their accountability
Their big scams, corruption
Their misuse of power for vested interest

and biggest reason is that Political Pundits of Each Indian Political Parties know how people of India collectively as citizens (regardless of their religion, language, race, caste, color etc) get rid off Britishers from India in 1947. 

So keep them divided for their vested interests.

By keeping religions, communities, cultures, states, regions as divided on issues, they silently accomplish their vested interest of misuse of power for political and financial gains.

Why AAP AAM ADAMI PARTY is rejected by at least poor people of India?

Reason is simple! AAPs political message was banned in media by big parties to reach to ordinary people by hook or crook.

Moreover BJP succeeded in fooling people under the big banner of Hinduism. It worked for them and poors of India were once again knocked to ground by BJP.